What are the most popular R3s? Answered.

Well well well the survey reached 1000 responses and thus it was time, time for me to spend my hard earned £100 (thanks a lot Survey monkey 🙄) and get the full results for you guys. Was it worth it? Let’s find out…
Let’s start with the podium (keep up the suspense) and coming in at P3 is…….

With 247 out of 1045 summoners saying they had ranked her up.
Anyone who has taken Domino to R3 did it for one reason, she really really really sucks to fight against. Sure she’s good on attack, especially with the 7* stat focus, she can dominate loads of tricky skill attackers and more. But. Let’s get real. She’s probably the second most annoying defender (behind Serpent) in the game right now, and has been a top defender since her launch. She is timelessly annoying and I hate you if you ranked her up.
Seriously though this surprises me, I knew she was good and popular but I don’t feel like I see her at R3 as often as others on this list, maybe I just got a skewed sample…
P2 belongs (narrowly) to…

With 249 summoners saying they took him to R3 this is no surprise. A genuine top tier dual threat champion, been a dominant force in battlegrounds, war, story questing, Everest content and more. Not just this, he’s now in the Basic 7* crystal, as such has entered the hands of countless summoners. If I had one, he’d be R3, as of right now, my 6* is maxed out. Very understandable result, not a surprise at all.
So who is the winner then? P1? The most common Rank 3 7*, the greatest honour this game has? The GOAT. The best champion in the game?

YEP THATS RIGHT, my personal favourite R3 America Chavez. She was my first R3 done with T4A, and holds a special place in my heart, and it’s great to see that 289 summoners also felt the same. She stormed ahead of onslaught and domino and takes a large slice out of the pie chart.
Brilliant dual threat, less of an on paper defensive threat, but with the AI how it is now it’s guaranteed that she’s going to throw a heavy, power gain or hold specials until she’s at her L2, and then crit you hard on the final hit. As an attacker I mean that more is there to say? Amazing passive power control mechanic, huge damage, life steal (tiny bit you have to mention it), one of the quickest BG attackers, one of the easiest attackers to use, brilliant, just brilliant
Ok now for the full results (get ready there’s a lot)

And yes I know that I forgot the 6 new reunion 7* champions here they are (side note Misty Knight is the ONLY 7* which not one person said they took to R3)

Now for a full top 15 and my analysis of these results
1. America Chavez (289)
2. Onslaught (249)
3. Domino (247)
4. Hulk (245)
5. Shuri (221)
6. Titania (198)
7. Photon (168)
8. Venom (163)
9. Spider Ham (150)
10. Bullseye (137)
11. Kushala (133)
12. Juggernaut (132)
13. Bishop (126)
14. The Serpent (123)
15. Sasquatch (114)
Silk was 16th with 110 and there is a group of champions with 50-70 R3s but at that point you’re best off reading the lists yourself.
My analysis:
Dual threat champions perform best but really the overperformers are defenders. Bullseye and Juggernaut are great examples here. Juggernaut is a crazy good attacker but is clearly held back by his lack of defensive value, Bullseye as an attacker is famously lacklustre yet he outperforms juggs (marginally I’ll admit).
Shuri is an interesting one, definitely a more defensive pick now, but with enough attacking prowess to be heavily considered for a R3, taking up the 5th spot on the list rather comfortably.
Hulk again is not a surprise but for a champion with minimal (a short unstoppable? Really?) defensive value he is what I would consider the highest performing pure attacker. Again I’m not saying that he doesn’t have a place at all defensively but compared to most other champions on this list he is the most attacker focused of them all.
Titania performed well, unsurprising, great champion defo deserves the hype.
Photon and venom are opposite sides of the same coin, photon as an unstoppable defender with some offensive use and venom as an unstoppable attacker with some defensive use. (Don’t come at me for not saying photon is a great attacker, I have her R3 and outside of story content she doesn’t perform staggeringly well)
Spider ham on 150 is both surprising and unsurprising. On the one hand he deserves to be way higher on this list with Power Sting being one of the most reliable damage sources in the game. On the other hand it’s a surprise to see him this far up given i barely see him at R3 myself.
Kushala and bishop at 133 and 126 respectively, not shocking by any metric, other than i thought they would be higher. Seems like everyone has a R3 bishop, especially when I don’t have any great bishop counters. But oh well…
The Serpent may look like he’s underperforming, but for a champion which has only been in the TITAN. This is crazy. 123 rank ups without EVER hitting the basic. Juggernaut, Bishop, Sasquatch have been in the basic almost since the start, and yet they’re putting up the same numbers as Serpent? Crazy work. The fact this guy isn’t getting a rebalance is pure corporate greed, and probably has contributed to why America Chavez is the most popular R3, everyone is trying to stop this guy.
Beta Ray Bill is another one to pay attention to, 89 rank ups, which was 9% of respondents on question 2. Now i know he was available essentially for purchase which means he has an advantage over a lot of the newest champions but still, these numbers for a champion who is not even get in the titan is crazy and he will be a META attacker for years to come.
Count Nefaria is the biggest one to watch, 46 R3s already on this survey. He’s been available for what? A week? I mean the only way to get the 7* is from spending loads and loads of units.
The bottom champions are separated into 3 catagories, those with 3 rank ups, 2 rank ups and 1 rank up (i won’t be counting the 6 reunion champions as they were only added mid survey it wouldn’t be fair) I’ll list them by category below alongside my personal thoughts on them.
With 3 rank ups:
- War Machine (mid champ let’s be real)
- Deadpool (who’s just flexing at this point)
- Massacre (crazy low for this guy, super underrated champ)
- Northstar (new and long form, he’ll see a lot of love with the next Everest content I’m sure)
- Platpool (someone must really wanna auto fight)
- Red goblin (why is he so bad? Seriously tho tune up when)
- Venom the duck (good to see BG voted)
- Sable (terrible champ I’m sorry to those who took her up)
2 rank ups
- civil warrior (tanky defender honestly I don’t get why not a few more here)
- Kang (who took this guy up? I just wanna talk)
- Thanos (I mean a guess if you got him high sig he could be a tank for BGs)
- Ultron (you can only get him from raids but omg if he was in the basic he’d be so much higher)
- Vision (who spent like £500 on this? Really?)
- Patriot (new but I think underrated)
- Leader (again new hard to gauge so far)
1 rank up (the lowest of the low)
Scarlet witch (I mean it makes sense, you’re in a top war ally if you have her, especially if you have her duped, who in a top war ally is allowed to make rank ups for fun? No no no this game is a job for these people ranking SW would be far too interesting and amusing)
Ronin (I guess we have the answer to who the worst 7* is, pack it up VTD and Kang, this guy takes the cake)
I would like to have a discussion about this, the poll will remain open for a few more days if there is a significant rise in interest I’ll update this thread, but it’ll be closed for sure by October because I’m not gonna be paying for another month of this. Maybe kabam will release these statistics one day, or their own Auntm.ai like plug in which they can update and use as they see fit, accessible from in game. Alas who am I kidding, they’ll never do either of those things, so polls like this are as close as we’re gonna get.
Let’s start with the podium (keep up the suspense) and coming in at P3 is…….

With 247 out of 1045 summoners saying they had ranked her up.
Anyone who has taken Domino to R3 did it for one reason, she really really really sucks to fight against. Sure she’s good on attack, especially with the 7* stat focus, she can dominate loads of tricky skill attackers and more. But. Let’s get real. She’s probably the second most annoying defender (behind Serpent) in the game right now, and has been a top defender since her launch. She is timelessly annoying and I hate you if you ranked her up.
Seriously though this surprises me, I knew she was good and popular but I don’t feel like I see her at R3 as often as others on this list, maybe I just got a skewed sample…
P2 belongs (narrowly) to…

With 249 summoners saying they took him to R3 this is no surprise. A genuine top tier dual threat champion, been a dominant force in battlegrounds, war, story questing, Everest content and more. Not just this, he’s now in the Basic 7* crystal, as such has entered the hands of countless summoners. If I had one, he’d be R3, as of right now, my 6* is maxed out. Very understandable result, not a surprise at all.
So who is the winner then? P1? The most common Rank 3 7*, the greatest honour this game has? The GOAT. The best champion in the game?

YEP THATS RIGHT, my personal favourite R3 America Chavez. She was my first R3 done with T4A, and holds a special place in my heart, and it’s great to see that 289 summoners also felt the same. She stormed ahead of onslaught and domino and takes a large slice out of the pie chart.
Brilliant dual threat, less of an on paper defensive threat, but with the AI how it is now it’s guaranteed that she’s going to throw a heavy, power gain or hold specials until she’s at her L2, and then crit you hard on the final hit. As an attacker I mean that more is there to say? Amazing passive power control mechanic, huge damage, life steal (tiny bit you have to mention it), one of the quickest BG attackers, one of the easiest attackers to use, brilliant, just brilliant
Ok now for the full results (get ready there’s a lot)

And yes I know that I forgot the 6 new reunion 7* champions here they are (side note Misty Knight is the ONLY 7* which not one person said they took to R3)

Now for a full top 15 and my analysis of these results
1. America Chavez (289)
2. Onslaught (249)
3. Domino (247)
4. Hulk (245)
5. Shuri (221)
6. Titania (198)
7. Photon (168)
8. Venom (163)
9. Spider Ham (150)
10. Bullseye (137)
11. Kushala (133)
12. Juggernaut (132)
13. Bishop (126)
14. The Serpent (123)
15. Sasquatch (114)
Silk was 16th with 110 and there is a group of champions with 50-70 R3s but at that point you’re best off reading the lists yourself.
My analysis:
Dual threat champions perform best but really the overperformers are defenders. Bullseye and Juggernaut are great examples here. Juggernaut is a crazy good attacker but is clearly held back by his lack of defensive value, Bullseye as an attacker is famously lacklustre yet he outperforms juggs (marginally I’ll admit).
Shuri is an interesting one, definitely a more defensive pick now, but with enough attacking prowess to be heavily considered for a R3, taking up the 5th spot on the list rather comfortably.
Hulk again is not a surprise but for a champion with minimal (a short unstoppable? Really?) defensive value he is what I would consider the highest performing pure attacker. Again I’m not saying that he doesn’t have a place at all defensively but compared to most other champions on this list he is the most attacker focused of them all.
Titania performed well, unsurprising, great champion defo deserves the hype.
Photon and venom are opposite sides of the same coin, photon as an unstoppable defender with some offensive use and venom as an unstoppable attacker with some defensive use. (Don’t come at me for not saying photon is a great attacker, I have her R3 and outside of story content she doesn’t perform staggeringly well)
Spider ham on 150 is both surprising and unsurprising. On the one hand he deserves to be way higher on this list with Power Sting being one of the most reliable damage sources in the game. On the other hand it’s a surprise to see him this far up given i barely see him at R3 myself.
Kushala and bishop at 133 and 126 respectively, not shocking by any metric, other than i thought they would be higher. Seems like everyone has a R3 bishop, especially when I don’t have any great bishop counters. But oh well…
The Serpent may look like he’s underperforming, but for a champion which has only been in the TITAN. This is crazy. 123 rank ups without EVER hitting the basic. Juggernaut, Bishop, Sasquatch have been in the basic almost since the start, and yet they’re putting up the same numbers as Serpent? Crazy work. The fact this guy isn’t getting a rebalance is pure corporate greed, and probably has contributed to why America Chavez is the most popular R3, everyone is trying to stop this guy.
Beta Ray Bill is another one to pay attention to, 89 rank ups, which was 9% of respondents on question 2. Now i know he was available essentially for purchase which means he has an advantage over a lot of the newest champions but still, these numbers for a champion who is not even get in the titan is crazy and he will be a META attacker for years to come.
Count Nefaria is the biggest one to watch, 46 R3s already on this survey. He’s been available for what? A week? I mean the only way to get the 7* is from spending loads and loads of units.
The bottom champions are separated into 3 catagories, those with 3 rank ups, 2 rank ups and 1 rank up (i won’t be counting the 6 reunion champions as they were only added mid survey it wouldn’t be fair) I’ll list them by category below alongside my personal thoughts on them.
With 3 rank ups:
- War Machine (mid champ let’s be real)
- Deadpool (who’s just flexing at this point)
- Massacre (crazy low for this guy, super underrated champ)
- Northstar (new and long form, he’ll see a lot of love with the next Everest content I’m sure)
- Platpool (someone must really wanna auto fight)
- Red goblin (why is he so bad? Seriously tho tune up when)
- Venom the duck (good to see BG voted)
- Sable (terrible champ I’m sorry to those who took her up)
2 rank ups
- civil warrior (tanky defender honestly I don’t get why not a few more here)
- Kang (who took this guy up? I just wanna talk)
- Thanos (I mean a guess if you got him high sig he could be a tank for BGs)
- Ultron (you can only get him from raids but omg if he was in the basic he’d be so much higher)
- Vision (who spent like £500 on this? Really?)
- Patriot (new but I think underrated)
- Leader (again new hard to gauge so far)
1 rank up (the lowest of the low)
Scarlet witch (I mean it makes sense, you’re in a top war ally if you have her, especially if you have her duped, who in a top war ally is allowed to make rank ups for fun? No no no this game is a job for these people ranking SW would be far too interesting and amusing)
Ronin (I guess we have the answer to who the worst 7* is, pack it up VTD and Kang, this guy takes the cake)
I would like to have a discussion about this, the poll will remain open for a few more days if there is a significant rise in interest I’ll update this thread, but it’ll be closed for sure by October because I’m not gonna be paying for another month of this. Maybe kabam will release these statistics one day, or their own Auntm.ai like plug in which they can update and use as they see fit, accessible from in game. Alas who am I kidding, they’ll never do either of those things, so polls like this are as close as we’re gonna get.
people were probably saving for him and as soon as he entered basic & they got him he goes to rank 3
Chavez is no surprise
great champ both on attack and defence
benefit from being in the starting base pool
shuri probably necro effect
Juggs & Kushala are soo good at rank 2 that many don't have them at rank 3 just yet
Spider-Ham should be higher ( slowly but surely he'll get up there, but I think AI throwing sp1s randomly holds him back a bit FIX THE FREAKING AI please )
photon, bullseye & serpent 🐍 ( NERF this mofo please) defence of course
Sassy becomes gigachad on both attack & defence at R3
No need to talk about Domino & HULK
please fix the intimidate so that Titania raises higher
venom is just VENOM
Seriously good work, though; and well done!
Hulk is the highest ranked science champ? Bro no wayyyy.
Spam comment is extremely true. He should be great right? But I barely see anyone have him(And hence he always gets banned).
Serpent is concerning. He is not even out of titan and people already r3ed him a lot.
Kushala??? I swear to god I've seen like 5 r3 kushala till date.
The top 3 is very obvious Though.
@captain_rogers This would explain why Hulk has the most science votes and 4th place overall. If Photon and Pig were released same time, it would've been a lot closer.
Then there's other sources of bias like Necropolis (a large factor of Shuri's votes who is also launch pool selector) or the Valiant Title requirement of 2 rank 3's which would again further the first source of bias of champion release time I mentioned
For these very reasons you have to admit that it is impressive that Onslaught reached top 2
Ohh misty, fight back NOW!!!😭😭
Valiant rank ups explain a lot of the mid level, 10/15 rank up champions, but I think these results are still very useful.
Overall if we’re trying to do a data driven approach to which champions are the best it’s difficult, from here I’m going to make a tier list and a few other things but until then it’s really open to discussion
For instance, Negasonic was advertised as shutting down the entire skill class , but are people really rank 3ing her?
Shuri has a few things going for her.
1) no one else from tech in the top 15. Compare that to four science champs in the top 9 sharing rankups resources.
2) she was widely viewed as a necropolis option so she’d be a must-rank for anyone who got an early tech gem
I posted about this next issue on Reddit earlier today: I think the combination of defender releases and incentive to rank defenders is bad for the game. Premium resources go to champs that aren’t even controlled by the summoner. They’re just used to make someone else have a bad time so you recoup the resources later.
Jerky defenders will be jerks in most metas. Great attackers may not be nearly as valuable in certain metas. I would argue that most 6r5a champs are better attackers than a large majority of 7-star releases. The only way past that is more r3 champs, but we can’t even buy t4a in the glory store or bg store. It’s time for that to change.
He was my discretionary Valiant rank up and probably the best R3 choice I’ve made. My non discretionary was Shuri who wasn’t a bad choice but was forced into it by my 2-3 tech gem.
Science 5
Mystic 4
Mutant 3
Cosmic 2
Tech 1
Skill 1