Bring back weekly to bi-weekly maintenance!

heirDEZheirDEZ Member Posts: 139 ★★
Let this poll heed your voice towards kabam!

Bring back weekly to bi-weekly maintenance! 42 votes

heirDEZRichiesDad79JakearoundanggafkAykut387MacGyverDaddriedaMCOCHazzaTribalChief_Rick87_KnightOfTheRealmHatsumomoMidiFriendly001Cuber2906 15 votes
PantherusNZSolswerddanielmathFeuerschwerzuffycaptaincushCaptainaidenGyanemdjerJMORG1111Grootman1294TJ107ButtehrsJollyHawkpeixemacacoSquidopusFurrymoosenOakenshieldCyrillFromTulawillrun4adonutMixtapevol02 27 votes


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 2,751 ★★★★★
    We had more emergency maintenance back when we had scheduled maintenance. I'll pass.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,570 ★★★★★
    Ackbar67 said:

    DNA3000 said:


    I would assume a couple of undergraduate compsci students found themselves in the same alliance and got to chatting.

    I am relieved by the notion that by the time they enter the workforce, I will be retired and no longer in a position to be making hiring decisions.
    Ok but surely all the problems would be fixed if they just made every single employee fix bugs for a month right???
    No because not all employees know how to fix code that way.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 2,276 ★★★★

    It’s no longer needed. If you want to be unnecessarily locked out of the game just go outside for a bit.

    This 👆
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 142
    It would be great to have bi-weekly bug fix releases, but since the layoffs of May 2023, there's probably not enough people left to make this happen. In fact, it really does seem to the community that the game is much buggier than ever. This happens when you layoff your QA and LiveOps teams. Dev shops have been doing this for decades, thinking they came still maintain high quality product without the people that test to make sure the product is working before shipping it to the users.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,762 ★★★★★

    It would be great to have bi-weekly bug fix releases, but since the layoffs of May 2023, there's probably not enough people left to make this happen. In fact, it really does seem to the community that the game is much buggier than ever. This happens when you layoff your QA and LiveOps teams. Dev shops have been doing this for decades, thinking they came still maintain high quality product without the people that test to make sure the product is working before shipping it to the users.

    None of what you just said is true.
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 355 ★★★
    No no see we just need someone to go into the server room and turn the big dial labeled BUGS from “several” to “none”. But obviously that’s not safe to do while the servers are running, so we need maintenance.
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 142

    It would be great to have bi-weekly bug fix releases, but since the layoffs of May 2023, there's probably not enough people left to make this happen. In fact, it really does seem to the community that the game is much buggier than ever. This happens when you layoff your QA and LiveOps teams. Dev shops have been doing this for decades, thinking they came still maintain high quality product without the people that test to make sure the product is working before shipping it to the users.

    None of what you just said is true.
    Which part?
    • The community doesn't think the game is buggier?
    • They didn't layoff QA and LiveOps?
    • Dev shops haven't been laying off QA teams thinking they can maintain high quality product?
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