Anyone have a r3 and why anyone deserves it over the others?

I know the game....I know my champs and I'm still beyond torn. If I didn't have an ascended sig 200 Kushala I'd immediately pull the trigger on her....bishop is sig90....ham is who I find myself playing more than anyone basically....just pulled shuri recently and already love her.....werewolf is just fun to play....cmm hits like a truck ....juggs is ridiculous too. I can essentially do 2. Opinions? Or does anyone have the champs shown at r3??

Personally, I have a r3 Kushala and she is really nice to have. She is useless in this GC meta and the next one, but I still like her.
....also have a 31k Kushala already so she fills that void....
Edit : you can do one more, right? Your current r3 pool impacts the decision a lot.