Unduped thing vs unduped korg better defender?

Sairam44Sairam44 Member Posts: 634 ★★
I don't have either of them


  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    Thing unduped. Why? Korg needs thorns (awakening) to hurt you. Thing only needs you to hit into block at 15 rock stacks to ruin your day.
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,617 ★★★★★
    Things easily. Undeped Korg misses his two biggest concerns, the purfiy and the damange on hit with M/H/Spec. He just become a bag of health.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,684 ★★★★★
    I'd go unduped Korg for the time stall, though neither are that good of a defender without a dupe and max sig. Also, I'd say a duped Korg is better than a duped Thing at sig 20, so go for Korg since that's halfway there for the dupe.
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