It’s like you want us to play less

Let me preface this by saying that I really like this game. Still love lots of it, always will, but it’s getting absurd how outdated everything is getting, along with the AI steadily becoming worse and worse
Loyalty Store
To start, every store is out of date. Is it really that hard to revise this regularly so people have an incentive to keep playing? Do we have to beg Kabam and then praise them when the update comes 50 years later? The loyalty store is absolute trash for any tier of progression other than the crystal, the rewards haven’t been updated in ages and it costs a valiant like 600k loyalty for a 6* AG that they hand out every month. Why not update the values at least? There’s no incentive for pretty much anything here, except for occasionally getting raid tickets for rng rewards (yay so fun)
Glory Store
People have been asking for months at this point. Glory store sucks, especially for valiants. The fact that we still have to pay an increased price per item is crazy for the low level of value we get out of anything here. Relic items are the only things I get here and it’s still too costly for how much you get. Not much to say here, they’ve been out of date for months
Oh boy. I actually love BG but the level of time and effort isn’t matching the rewards. Grinding your butt off barely gets you anything compared to other game modes these days. Have y’all seen the solo and ally rewards? Absolutely a joke for how much time and points you need. GC rewards are mediocre af (6k shards for placing in Quantum seriously). I know someone is about to mention the realm event, but there should be a more permanent addition. I’m tired of them bringing in small bonus rewards every couple seasons only to shift away from them and keep the same mediocre rewards the next season. The store values and caps should’ve also been updated a long time ago and valiants should have access to more than what we have now
War and AQ are barely worth it for 90% of players. War takes a whole month and unless you’re at the very top, you barely get anything out of it. AQ is similar because the glory store is still bad but I guess the other rewards are alright
Some smaller things that I know they’ll never touch but should’ve been updated a long time ago: Summoner Advancement, Sunday Arenas
SQ and EQ
We got recent confirmation that they’re “working on an update to this” but we can all agree that it’s way way past the time they should’ve done it right? They always update the difficulty a million years later when everyone is already long been tired of the content, and then we’re supposed to be happy lmao. SQ isn’t bad rewards wise, they have some cool stuff in there recently for the effort. The format is stale but it’s ok for now, but EQ is such a slog. TB rewards are awful and we need to 100% it every month just to do the paragon gauntlet, which has mediocre rewards too. I’m fine with the paragon gauntlet but I feel like the restrictions should’ve been removed for valiants a long time ago because TB eq sucks plain and simple. I’ve never been so bored playing the game before
Recent Champ Design
This has been a big topic of debate. I kinda understand what Kabam is doing now, but I feel like it’s too late and too little at this point. Essentially, 90% of 2024 champs are disappointing. Most are undertuned and niche and barely keep up with the amazing batch we got last year. I get it now though, 7* r3’s are the new norm and they’re gimping most new champs heavily to try and scale back the power creep. The thing is, when a 6* CGR or Juggs or Hulkling outdamages all your 7* r3 2024 champs, why would you think that people want to use them? Y’all overtuned a bunch of champs and trying to retract it by gimping every new champ isn’t going to work lmao. I can see them keeping it the same and eventually introducing 7* r4+ soon so the 6* can no longer punch up that high. The thing is, champs like Hulk, Juggs, Silk, Adam, etc that hit like trucks still exist as 7*, so my question is why? Why take such a step back in champs while still releasing annoying defenders. I do enjoy champs like WT, Prowler, BRB, and Dust but most of them have been so mid.
Every store is out of date (loyalty, glory, battlegrounds). Solo events are out of date. Ally events are out of date. Most content is boring and bland and a lot of people are tired of it
The new content we get like SoS and act content + Necro are great imo and the best it’s ever been, but that gets ruined by the bad AI too. Buff team and champ animations are still peak and everything but new champ design is boring. Stop taking so long to update stuff
Loyalty Store
To start, every store is out of date. Is it really that hard to revise this regularly so people have an incentive to keep playing? Do we have to beg Kabam and then praise them when the update comes 50 years later? The loyalty store is absolute trash for any tier of progression other than the crystal, the rewards haven’t been updated in ages and it costs a valiant like 600k loyalty for a 6* AG that they hand out every month. Why not update the values at least? There’s no incentive for pretty much anything here, except for occasionally getting raid tickets for rng rewards (yay so fun)
Glory Store
People have been asking for months at this point. Glory store sucks, especially for valiants. The fact that we still have to pay an increased price per item is crazy for the low level of value we get out of anything here. Relic items are the only things I get here and it’s still too costly for how much you get. Not much to say here, they’ve been out of date for months
Oh boy. I actually love BG but the level of time and effort isn’t matching the rewards. Grinding your butt off barely gets you anything compared to other game modes these days. Have y’all seen the solo and ally rewards? Absolutely a joke for how much time and points you need. GC rewards are mediocre af (6k shards for placing in Quantum seriously). I know someone is about to mention the realm event, but there should be a more permanent addition. I’m tired of them bringing in small bonus rewards every couple seasons only to shift away from them and keep the same mediocre rewards the next season. The store values and caps should’ve also been updated a long time ago and valiants should have access to more than what we have now
War and AQ are barely worth it for 90% of players. War takes a whole month and unless you’re at the very top, you barely get anything out of it. AQ is similar because the glory store is still bad but I guess the other rewards are alright
Some smaller things that I know they’ll never touch but should’ve been updated a long time ago: Summoner Advancement, Sunday Arenas
SQ and EQ
We got recent confirmation that they’re “working on an update to this” but we can all agree that it’s way way past the time they should’ve done it right? They always update the difficulty a million years later when everyone is already long been tired of the content, and then we’re supposed to be happy lmao. SQ isn’t bad rewards wise, they have some cool stuff in there recently for the effort. The format is stale but it’s ok for now, but EQ is such a slog. TB rewards are awful and we need to 100% it every month just to do the paragon gauntlet, which has mediocre rewards too. I’m fine with the paragon gauntlet but I feel like the restrictions should’ve been removed for valiants a long time ago because TB eq sucks plain and simple. I’ve never been so bored playing the game before
Recent Champ Design
This has been a big topic of debate. I kinda understand what Kabam is doing now, but I feel like it’s too late and too little at this point. Essentially, 90% of 2024 champs are disappointing. Most are undertuned and niche and barely keep up with the amazing batch we got last year. I get it now though, 7* r3’s are the new norm and they’re gimping most new champs heavily to try and scale back the power creep. The thing is, when a 6* CGR or Juggs or Hulkling outdamages all your 7* r3 2024 champs, why would you think that people want to use them? Y’all overtuned a bunch of champs and trying to retract it by gimping every new champ isn’t going to work lmao. I can see them keeping it the same and eventually introducing 7* r4+ soon so the 6* can no longer punch up that high. The thing is, champs like Hulk, Juggs, Silk, Adam, etc that hit like trucks still exist as 7*, so my question is why? Why take such a step back in champs while still releasing annoying defenders. I do enjoy champs like WT, Prowler, BRB, and Dust but most of them have been so mid.
Every store is out of date (loyalty, glory, battlegrounds). Solo events are out of date. Ally events are out of date. Most content is boring and bland and a lot of people are tired of it
The new content we get like SoS and act content + Necro are great imo and the best it’s ever been, but that gets ruined by the bad AI too. Buff team and champ animations are still peak and everything but new champ design is boring. Stop taking so long to update stuff
Anyway, these champs are so good that lesser 7-star attackers, even at r3, may not offer enough to justify that significant investment. So what makes more sense? Investing in obnoxious defenders. Since they have a bigger HP pool as a 7r3, they get an even bigger boost from nodes. Plus you have stat focus to play with. And what has Kabam made a lot of in 2024? Obnoxious defenders. It’s a perfect fit. Between war diversity and BGs, there are plenty that are worth a spot.
Here’s why that’s bad for the game, IMO. The incentive to rank these kinds of champs is high. They’re ban magnets in BGs. If yours gets banned, you don’t have to ban the opponent’s if you want to risk that chance. These are champs you’ll seldom use on attack…you know…actually playing with them. Meanwhile they exist to make your opponent’s experience more difficult and frustrating.
Apply that incentive structure across the battlerealm and you’ll have people quickly get frustrated and walk away, especially in an open competition like BGs.
I have a separate opinion about in-game currency and stores, but I’ll share that in a separate post.
Gc placement also rewards should’ve been buffed 6 months ago, there’s no point in grinding past uru 3 from a time/rewards perspective. Considering bgs is mcoc’s biggest gamemode you’d think they’d want to encourage participation and competition as much as possible, and yet the rewards directly behind the competitive aspect of the gamemode are the most outdated in the entire gamemode. It’s such an easy, highly beneficial fix that I don’t get why they’re not on top of keeping these rewards relevant.
Sq I don’t mind. I appreciate that it’s simple and not too grindy, and the rewards match the effort level. My only complaint has been them adding niche nodes like do you bleed and thunderstruck in a game mode they know a lot of people will want to just cruise through with their random team. I don’t want to plan ahead for an sq path when I already have to do that in other areas of the game. EQ I personally enjoy but still having to 100% tb eq for the gauntlet feels excessive at this point in time. I think they should reduce the requirement to just completion, at least for valiants maybe.
If the explanation for mediocre champ releases is that they’re trying to reverse or slow down power creep, then why the hell did they make someone like juggs a 7* lol. They also haven’t shyed away from making powerful defenders that egregiously power creep the old defenders, so I don’t think they’re doing this sheerly for the sake of managing power creep. My best guess is they want to alter the balance of offense to defense by making defense more powerful and more impactful from a meta defining perspective. (which I disagree with fundamentally but that’s a separate topic) There have been a few good offensive standouts in the 2024 release pool and it’s getting better with count and Shathra, but meta relevant attackers used to be the rule instead of the exception.
I share your frustrations with certain areas of the game and even though I do enjoy the game as a whole, I still feel it could be much better.
My roster breakdown is:
7 7r3
16 additional 7r2
22 6r5 ascended, plus a few unascended
There’s no overlap, so that’s 45 unique champs to field a BG deck of 30, and it doesn’t include the fact I’ve got enough t6cc and gems for five more 7r2.
Again, I’m not a day one valiant or an endgame player. The only way to meaningfully improve my roster is taking champs to r3. I can’t use bg trophies on t4a. I can’t use glory on t4a. So what am I supposed to do? Make more r2 champs for the heck of it? Try to get so many that I can split my account into two separate BG decks? And if I’m in this boat without grinding gladiator circuit, without running top-500 AQ or war, then there are thousands of players like me whose only attainable goal is collecting/acquiring champs.
The valiant glory store came out in January IIRC. The Valiant BG store was announced in February. The SQ store has stayed the same for months on end. Next week it’ll be October. Not only do the resources devalue over time because they’ve become more accessible, but as rosters grow, the marginal value of each rankup drops. A brutal double whammy.
To add to this, It was teased back in June that a update was coming and yet no further information was given. I also don't understand why Kabam continuously has the thinking that in order to update something that means something has to be taken away. That DOES NOT WORK!! You want to grow the game and keep current players engaged, the breadcrumb economic model is NOT GOOD for player moral. A overhaul needs to happen, just like how you finally updated the crystals and it didn't break the game.
And the fact that it still has a 15,000 cap is even more mind-boggling absurd. Let's take a look at it's competition.
BG tokens: 150,000.
Glory need to catch up.
I want to like the game more so bad, but they fumble the easiest things. I was even willing to give them the benefit of the doubt when it came to the AI but it’s been like 3 years now. They haven’t fixed a single thing, just promises that never come to fruition or outright denial of the issues. I spent 3 minutes per SoS fight baiting specials like cmon. It’s so absurd that’s even the good content like that is ruined by the AI
However, in the realm of the sane, you are incorrect.
1) Players will progress too fast with more appropriate and relevant up materials that they get from all different types of game modes, most of which are easy. Obviously they don’t want us progressing this way.
2) They want to keep all the desired resources behind a pay wall and as rewards for Everest content. If we could get similar materials from content like AQ, why bother with harder Everest content that most people spend or drain their resources to complete?
I don’t agree with either of those reasons, but it’s what I believe is going on at this point in regards to all the various completely outdated stores.
The problem I feel is that they introduced stuff like 7* Rank 3 way too fast. And now they are trying to slow it down outside of when they want to give us Rank 3 materials. They also don’t want every 7* we have easily sitting at Rank 2.
Yeah I know it's a waste of time and money when you have a functioning game and I don't know anything about coding and all that stuff so feel free to advise me.
But I remember JAX saying in a live stream last year that the BUGS and their SOLUTIONS have been laid out in form of layer which increased as layer over layer over layer making it difficult to find bugs and makes giving a solution hard.
I am gonna mention here FREE FIRE did it they released another game FREE FIRE MAX with the same mechanics with improved graphics.
So I guess with the way it's going the game will kill itself before it dies out among the players.
The ai thing is just getting old atp. I understand that it’s a complex issue but what I don’t understand is why no temporary band-aid solutions are used to ease the burden. Toad won’t throw specials, and it’s beyond excessive. Ok then, even if you can’t fix the passive ai issue driving many champs not throwing specials, (toad being the current egregious example) then why not add sp1 bias to toad in light of the current situation? You’re telling me they didn’t play test the fight at all to see his passiveness before they released it? Even if they somehow didn’t they could’ve added that node within an hour after the community spoke up about it.
I can excuse being unable to tackle a very complex issue exactly when I want it to be fixed, (even tho it’s been years lol) but I don’t understand the absence of temporary fixes to ease pain while still working on the main issue.
You know when you give your kid something immediately when he asks for it he would start asking for more. But delay giving things to him he would lose the hope of getting anything from you but when you give it to him he would be soo happy(don't need to explain more I know most of you understand)
Ex: spider punk.
So all of this champ releases are exactly planned well and executed. Just imagine if all of this year champs were actually good I mean as an attacker and also defender they hit everyones sweet spot. No one would be this much hyped for COUNT NEFARIA.
They wouldn't be able to dish out all these GLORIOUS GAMES offers and make the money out of it like they did now(I mean as much money as they made as now)
The same theory you just keep asking and they dish then out slowly. But this idea has failed here as they went past the time when they should have updated. Now any new updates will feel outdated in a month unless the store comes out as game breaking.
I remember PARAGON GAUNTLET was released when valiant was three months away I think. This paragon gauntlet became outdated at the start of this year with all of the new sagas and SOS contents.
The problem is they have only planned well for the champ releases which is the only thing that makes them money.
All the other topics have been brushed off to the side and have been forgotten in their list.