New to the game - help

Hey - fairly new to the game. Been playing about 2 weeks and I’m getting to grips with it. I’m level 34 and just reached conqueror. I had a couple of questions I hoped you guys could help answer!
Deathless she hulk, I have 2 pieces out of 5…how do I get the rest? Google just says complete other in game activities, but which ones?
6/7 star heroes…. I have 5-10 5 stars but obviously wanting to progress, how/when will I start getting higher rated heroes? I’m slowly building up 6* shards through alliance wars but as it stands it looks like it might take me 3/4months!
Any other tips you think might be helpful would be great! Thanks!
Deathless she hulk, I have 2 pieces out of 5…how do I get the rest? Google just says complete other in game activities, but which ones?
6/7 star heroes…. I have 5-10 5 stars but obviously wanting to progress, how/when will I start getting higher rated heroes? I’m slowly building up 6* shards through alliance wars but as it stands it looks like it might take me 3/4months!
Any other tips you think might be helpful would be great! Thanks!
As far as progressing to higher level champs, you just want to keep pushing story content to reach higher progression levels. Most players didn't have a single 5* when they got to where you're at, let alone nearly double digits. They will help you progress through Act 5 fairly easily. Once you've beaten 5.2 you will have access to higher level monthly content that will help you get more 6* shards, as well as other areas throughout the game. Keep pushing the story content and you will see the snowball start rolling faster.
Any other questions you have about specific content, bring them on to the forums. Lots of people here that can help.
Welcome to the Contest.
First, deathless champs are for endgame players, and in my opinion dont worry about them for the foreseeable future.
Second, 6/7 * heroes you will get just by playing and progresing throughout the story, and also later when you unlock battleground, you eill be able to get some good rewards just by playing.
My advice, focus on story, if you stuck somewhere ask, or watch YouTube guides, there's literally for every quest of act1-9.
Another important advice, it depends if you are ftp or spending plsyer, but units are really important and there will be some pretty good deals to get after act6.1 and sequential chapters, which will give you resoruces to progress even more.
It all depends on how skillful you are, and how you can adapt to the game.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Hope you have fun in here.
Best way to consider Act clearing would be to continue to push forward until you get caught somewhere, then circle back and work on exploration while you wait to beef up your roster a bit more. Title progression should be the highest priority because it opens up so much more for you.
But that shouldn't discourage you.
You can try act5 if you feel it is difficult then go back to 100% act4, where you will get materials for rank up.
The big jump in difficulty is from act6, act5 is not that harder from act4, except some bosses.
See if you can get to uncollected asap, since ng anniversary event is starting soon, and there will be milestone rewards for all players regardles of progression.
You will just need to play, and try to win as muxh as possible lol🤣
#2. The more you progress the better champs you get.
#3. Good luck
To put things into perspective, 7*'s were just introduced last year. This was after MANY of us had acquired a TON of 6*'s, and had them at max rank..which is rank 5. That takes time.
And like others have said, stay out of global chat. It is toxic trash. Any info or help you may need can be gotten here or from your alliance.
Higher, then wider is the best play most of the time. Don’t ask the forums *if* you should do it, try it first. Ask the forums *how* you should do it when you get stuck. Sometimes the correct answer might be “you’re not ready” but none of us knows how well you play or what content you can beat.
The flip side is: know when to walk away. Unless your name is MSD, you’re eventually going to run into content you can’t beat. Don’t presume you’re supposed to spend a ton to beat it. You might just not have a strong enough roster relative to your skill level to beat that content. Getting better at the game or getting a stronger roster or both will eventually get you passed that content. Spending to get past content is counterproductive, because the next piece of content is bound to be harder. If you have to spend to get past something, you might have to spend even more for the next thing, and then the next thing. It’s not like the game gets easier.
Every rule has an exception, but you’re at the point in the game where you don’t need to worry about those exceptions. For example, if you are stuck trying to get past a progression-significant piece of content, like the Collector fight in Act 5.2, and doing it gets you to the next level of the game, then spending might make sense, because you’re going to spend on that, but then go back to playing normally after.
This is a very deep, very wide game at this point. There’s lots of stuff to do, lots of game modes to play in, and lots of ways to play the game. Find the pace you like, and never feel like you have to do more than what you want to do. The game has been going along for ten years now. It will be waiting for you when you get here.
Also, my alt account is also Conqueror, Lvl 41. Would you be able to give me your alliances tag or name. I'm looking for a more active, lower level alliance for my alt account. Thanks.
Second question, Who do I choose at the end of my calendar? Korg, Thing or Colossus? I have neither.
Where you are in content right now, champs you are comfortable using are going to do the most for you. Once you get to Act 6 you will need to be a little more selective with your rank ups to focus on diversity.
Anytime you need help with who is a good choice for rank up and who isn't, you can post screenshots of your rosters and we can (hopefully) point you in some good directions.
The first comes, complains about a bunch of nonsense, accuses the game of being too hard, makes excuses for why things aren't working, etc.
The second is players asking for legitimate help because they're learning.
There's no reason not to be kind to second one.
The last thing to mention is have patience to progress at your own pace. The game is quite well designed in story acts to ease you into becoming familiar and coping with nodes which becomes a necessity as you progress further.