Side quest

So if we run last week’s level 5, even though we’ve already completed and explored it 100%, do we still get the Myterium and/or 7* shards ?
E as I do t understand why we would run this week for a title only…. Also, we received 2 silver coins to enter ( which makes sense ), but why were we given TWO gate coins ( the cracked silver coins ) when after you use just one, it’s completed anyway…. So I’m not planning on wasting my time on this week’s side quest and that is why I ask the question, if we have 100% explored last week’s side quest ( the one with BEAST on the cover ), will we get rewards again ?
E as I do t understand why we would run this week for a title only…. Also, we received 2 silver coins to enter ( which makes sense ), but why were we given TWO gate coins ( the cracked silver coins ) when after you use just one, it’s completed anyway…. So I’m not planning on wasting my time on this week’s side quest and that is why I ask the question, if we have 100% explored last week’s side quest ( the one with BEAST on the cover ), will we get rewards again ?
After each successful completion of the Quest the rewards will reset. Explore all three paths for additional rewards. Each quest lasts one week except for the final quest which will run for two weeks.
So (for the prior weeks, including week-4 which is still available), the Completion rewards reset each time, for more Mysterium and Crystal Shards each time.
Just the Explore rewards are once only upon full explore.
As for “2 coins”, I’m sure some ppl would try going into Level 5 again, and possibly FAIL (hopefully without wasting potions, etc). So they would have another try for this unique (with broken coin) final quest, hopefully by then seeing they can just run Level 1 of it on Auto-Play for the exact same reward (Title).