AW rewards need a bigger buff

the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 415 ★★★
So I have 2 accounts

1- thronebreaker around 450k rating , ally placed in gold 6
2- valiant around 4.9 mil rating, ally placed in platinum 5

My thronebreaker account with 450k rating was able to get 3k 7 star shards by just exploring AW paths freely without worrying about deaths.
And my valiant account got 5k 7 star shards with a lot of planning etc

How is it that the difference between placing gold 6 and platinum 5 just 2k 7 star shards. This makes no sense
The rest of the rewards are also very similar.

I am aware that an AW rewards buff happened recently but still looks like this is not good at all. The scaling of this is just so bad.
I also suggest that the 6 star nexus crystals in plat and above should be atleast an abyss nexus and not the normal nexus, there is no point of the normal nexus, the champion pool is just too big and this is too small of a reward for a whole season. Thoughts ?


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,608 ★★★★★
    Try to join platinum-2 wars if you think you deserve more rewards for effort you put in.
  • MizuriNicoleMizuriNicole Member Posts: 265 ★★★
    As the game looks currently, every aspect of it needs a buff and Kabam has to deal with the fact that YES ! We prefer 0.25 faster development of 7-stars rather that feeling burnt out and bored.
  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 171 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    Try to join platinum-2 wars if you think you deserve more rewards for effort you put in.

    There's even more effort in plat 2 wars, and for what. There aren't even any actual 7* shards in the season rewards. FOR A WHOLE SEASON of plat, planning and a meh tactic. It's extremely disproportionate to the effort and items put in. Technially there are 7* 8k shards if you convert the loyalty things(still.. only half a 7*)
  • ToniXD_16ToniXD_16 Member Posts: 222
    The rewards are ruining AW for me for what am I stressing out and using boosts for if im rewarded with trash
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