why are people farming in bgs still?

do you even gain anything anymore with the super season? I’ve just had one bigger account forfeit and one relatively small one forfeit consecutively, why? I understand maybe the smaller account felt they didn’t stand a chance but what about the other dude
It's harder for most players to farm it in GC especially with the sweaty non grass touching players that reach there the first 2-3 days.
Now you also have BG Blitz Realm Event so it's easier to hit milestones while doing so in Diamond brackets.
Plus, it's non Ban-able
I have yet to meet someone who was banned for force quit or point farming.
False threat by them.
Of course, they've done absolutely nothing in this direction. Probably because it's a more pervasive issue than they can handle and they bit off more than they can chew making the threat at all.
was not Diamond.
and of course if the forfeit button would not exist