Help please: not being able to claim alliance rewards

I have tried closing and opening app again. I've tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it... nothing works..
The alliance's 7-day events, both Summoner advancement and Summoner Engagement are not working. I can see the milestones are passing but the rewards are not claimable, don't appear on stash and no messages on my inbox arrives to claim them..
I've been in the alliance before the event started... What is going on and how can I fix it please?
Account is GLYNMOOG - I misspelled here when setting up my account :P, would love to change that too but don't seem to be able to do it....
Help is appreciated, I'm missing out on some sweet incursion artifacts
Playing on the iPad (iPadOS 17.6.1)
I have tried closing and opening app again. I've tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it... nothing works..
The alliance's 7-day events, both Summoner advancement and Summoner Engagement are not working. I can see the milestones are passing but the rewards are not claimable, don't appear on stash and no messages on my inbox arrives to claim them..
I've been in the alliance before the event started... What is going on and how can I fix it please?
Account is GLYNMOOG - I misspelled here when setting up my account :P, would love to change that too but don't seem to be able to do it....
Help is appreciated, I'm missing out on some sweet incursion artifacts

Playing on the iPad (iPadOS 17.6.1)
(2) need to buy and use a Name Change Token in game.
Thanks so much for clarifying the above. I feel so stupid!
Regarding the name I meant changing the name here on the Forum... Anyway, its not important.
Thanks again.