Do I spend 5000 units on 7* deathless vision to get the 21 point SOS milestone?

I just became valiant today, which means I'll be able to get the full 8 points from the SOS gauntlet. I'm currently at 12 points, so I'll be one point short of getting to the 21 point milestone. I haven't done the deathless vision milestone because I missed out on one of the pieces. Putting this all together, I could spend 5000 units to buy the last deathless vision piece, so I can get one more point from that and reach 21 points after the gauntlet. The reason I haven't bought the vision piece yet is I've seen he's bad, and I don't have the other deathless champions so I won't be getting deathless thanos anyways. The only reason I'd be using the units to unlock him would be so I could do this objective. I have the units saved already, so buying them isn't an issue in this situation. I'm torn and would love some advice. Here's the milestone rewards for reference.

Do I spend 5000 units on 7* deathless vision to get the 21 point SOS milestone? 32 votes
I reckon the 5000 units would get you more in the banquet.
Depends how much you want a t4A tho. Will one more make a new r3?
Do a run in necro.
You get way more things than these. Including a mastery point, r3 gem and a maestro