These Realm events prove just how selfish our player base is

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,331 ★★★★★
Data from Kabam and DNA showed how very viable the Crystal opening event was, thankfully Brian wasn't as selfish as so many others and took one for the team - frankly that was a no-win situation he was put in.

Now we have Battlegrounds as the next realm event, and we again have complaint after complaint after complaint from people proclaiming that they're not going to do it because "the rewards aren't worth it" or "it's too hard" or whatever, it's so sad! Event explicitly designed to encourage playing and having us work together instead have us turning on each other and just throwing blame instead of just playing the darn game!

Heck, we had someone just complain that they didn't know they had to open the requisite 1000 crystals to qualify for the final milestone in the crystal event, meaning it was abundently clear that they COULD have opened many more crystals than they did, they just chose not to...because...reasons...?

At least Battlegrounds I can understand a little more of people not participating, it's more active, takes more time and effort, and losing a lot can be demoralising. But there are SO MANY rewards on offer if you put in that effort - not only is there the realm event which gives plenty of rewards, but you get the special ticket thingees for just 1 win every 2 days, and of course the Deathless She-Hulk piece at the end if you can manage that. Not to mention the general goodies in the BG store - if nothing else I always get the 5* shards every time they replenish because 3500 tokens gets me enough for 5 5* crystals which I then use to buy dual-class crystals and they sit around until I need a specific class of ISO.

But people don't do it, because "it's not worth it"?? Seriously?

Sigh...OK, that's enough negativity.

Massive thanks and congrats to all those who have been pumping out BG matches, thanks and keep going, I'm pushing on for my own grind and hope to make GC in about a week, depending on how often I can play.

To those who aren't bothering, come on, this is something we can legitimately do together. You want to "stick it to kabam"? Play the frigging game and we ALL reap the rewards! Seriously, it's win/win/win.


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,331 ★★★★★

    Let people play whatever they want and how the f they want to. No one has to feel pressured in to playing for the sake of other's.

    I've literally seen people say that they only do Battlegrounds when their alliance forces them to for the alliance event minimums, but now that it's the whole playerbase wanting to work together so that we all benefit, they're not going to do it. By all means people can play how they want to, but when you have people DELIBERATELY refusing to play because they aren't being forced to and don't want to help out the entire player base, that's selfish, simple.

    Play how you want, by all means, just realise that refusing to do this when you normally would is a terrible attitude.
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    Moving the Elder Marks to point totals you have to meet because you eliminated the Alliance Event that awarded similar amounts was the hugest whiff. At a certain point, my alt is not going to keep up in BGS.

    The 6-star signature stones, though? Yeah, that's a fire reward. I'm going to have a 200 sig Nick Fury within the next week.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,331 ★★★★★
    Bendy said:

    I havent started bgs as i dont like it so what am i selfish just because i dont like a game mode?

    That's completely fine. You didn't do it before, and you won't do it now? Fine, your input wasn't in any of the data calculations and is no issue whatsoever.

    My issue is with the people who are deliberately not doing it as a form of protest against the Realm event when they normally would have done it.

    Two issues. First off, the Events were too far of a reach in general. They're not as attainable for the Player base as Road to the Crypt.
    Secondly, you can't call everyone selfish just because they're not grinding their fingers off in BGs.

    Road to the Crypt really isn't comparable to these 2 Realm events. People were running Necropolis anyway, dying anyway, getting the completion/exploration rewards anyway, and the Road to the Crypt rewards on top of it were just a bonus. Nobody was foldng their arms like the Pingu meme and refusing to do the event in some form of protest. That IS happening with these events. I have no issue with people not "grinding their fingers off" - I'm not, I'm playing BGs only marginally more than I did the last couple of seasons and pretty much only just keeping touch with the milestone minimums. I'm hoping to push a bit harder soon.

    Absolutely incorrect. It's literally the other way around, you "demanding" others to play the game against their will is a selfish behaviour on your part. Don't come here trying to guilt trip other's to play the game for you. What they decide to play or not has nothing to do with you.

    LOL - congratulations on missing the point so completely.

    I'm not "demanding" anything. I'm not asking people to do anything "against their will" or guilt trip anything. People decide what they want to do - 100%.

    If you don't like Battlegrounds, don't do them, fine. If you DO like battlegrounds, do them, fine. Heck, I don't like it that the new event means you have to do AQ and AW to get enough points for the bounties, meaning a lot of people are going to have to do stuff they don't normally do just to participate, that sucks.

    How many people said, during the Crystal opening event, something to the effect of "we're not going to reach the milestones so I'm not going to bother participating"? LOTS, and that's just those who said so publically in the forums/reddit/whatever. People are saying the same now "the milestones are unattainable so I'm not going to bother"

    Guess what, if everyone who "didn't bother" just did what they normally would, then we'd hit the milestones with very little struggle, but they don't, so we struggle and certain people are left feeling like they have to grind on overdrive to earn the points for everyone else.

    It's like all those people who declare that they won't vote because "it won't make any difference" - if they all voted, they darn well WOULD make a difference.
  • Chief_WiggumChief_Wiggum Member Posts: 169
    This was exactly as i predicted.. and same thing will happen in the BG event.
    Too many people will sit back and let the whales do all the work.. where that is just not even possible.
    "Whales" will not want to spend to benefit everybody else either... ending the event at 70% at best.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,427 ★★★★★
    I’m not sure your premise is correct about VT vs GC points, but I do agree that Crit Me is a tough meta to try and incentivize widespread partcipation in GC. I personally enjoy it, but I don’t expect to win a lot of matches. I like playing in a non-nuke meta where there are lots of unexpected outcomes in matchups, etc. But I can also understand people who say “this meta is frustrating as hell” and “I can’t use most of my top champs.” Another thing for Kabam to evaluate at the end. Maybe tune the list of potential metas to maximize general participation if that’s the point of the event.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,613 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    To me, it's no big deal since I'll be doing BGs anyway. My goal every season is to get to Vibranium l. I'll reach that goal and get extra bonus along the way.

    I personally think the community events are a decent idea. It's kind of like having one big alliance without Line or Discord lol. It's seems like they're partially piggybacking off of Necropolis.

    The only thing I would change are the rewards. If Kabam is wanting beyond the usual participation from players, these should have been better. IMO the top community rewards should be something like a Titan Nexus, a 7* Nexus, 2 additional T4 Alphas and at least 20 generic sig stones.

    Two guaranteed 7* champs, that players can rank up, will give players the motivation to do some extra BG's grind, and isn't enough to cause Kabam to panic over the whole "ruining the economy of the game" defense. We're over a year into having 7*'s now, and have been getting some freebies here and there, so grinding for 2 more freebies shouldn't be a problem.

    But in order to ensure individual contribution, there should a high minimum solo point milestone requirement. That way, all of the hardwork doesn't fall on others while allowing those who barely participated collect stellar rewards that they didn't contribute towards.

    But anyway..yeah I'll be doing it.

  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Cry me a river
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,525 ★★★★★
    Just play BG lol
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,623 ★★★★★
    I don't like BG and my roster isn't up to it. I'm ignoring it. I don't care what anyone says about my non-participation. I don't think I've looked at the rewards.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,196 ★★★★★
    I hope people stop playing BGs altogether. Time investment is not worth it.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★

    Play the frigging game and we ALL reap the rewards! Seriously, it's win/win/win.

    I had 14K-plus score for crystal opening event. What was yours?
  • tnair2015tnair2015 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    Rewards should have been enticing enough for players who normally wont play BG would be tempted to play it. Those who play very casually up their playtime in BG, or grinders, well, you are already doing enough .
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★
    You know what is actually selfish? BG itself.

    Winning for yourself to get the rewards and costing another player their time/energy/elder marks. Winning for your alliance, so that other alliances results in a loss. Using your BG rewards to rank up annoying defenders / overpowered offense, to make other players lose more. Choosing to turn on masteries that make it more difficult for other players. Etc, etc, etc.

    This is the core fatal wound for how this event is conceived.
    Necropolis realm event is entirely communal.
    Crystal realm event is kind of communal, but neutral at worst.
    BG realm event is this weird individualistic vs communal hodge podge that doesn't quite work thematically.

    And you know what - your post is not helping things whatsoever.
    There are a ton of negative posts about BG realm events, which will start reinforcing the idea that players aren't gonna reach the goal (despite there being a Crashed reply somewhere saying that he thinks we'll make it), which will make more players opt out of pushing hard in BG, which will make no reaching the top BG milestones a reality. Perception can become reality.

    Just as you are complaining that "Players are spiting Kabam by purposefully not playing", there will also be players that spite players for demanding that they play.

    All you can do is play BG, encourage people as opposed to try to shame people, and talk about how feasible it is to reach the goal.
  • SlayerOfGodsSlayerOfGods Member, Content Creators Posts: 630 Content Creator

    Let people play whatever they want and how the f they want to. No one has to feel pressured in to playing for the sake of other's.

    Play how you want, by all means, just realise that refusing to do this when you normally would is a terrible attitude.
    Who are you to think like this?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,659 ★★★★★
    That's why they should've added solo events as well as realm events. Then the So called "Selfish players" would also try pointmaxxing and end up contributing for the realm events.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 741 ★★★★
    edited October 2024

    To me, it's no big deal since I'll be doing BGs anyway. My goal every season is to get to Vibranium l. I'll reach that goal and get extra bonus along the way.

    I personally think the community events are a decent idea. It's kind of like having one big alliance without Line or Discord lol. It's seems like they're partially piggybacking off of Necropolis.

    The only thing I would change are the rewards. If Kabam is wanting beyond the usual participation from players, these should have been better. IMO the top community rewards should be something like a Titan Nexus, a 7* Nexus, 2 additional T4 Alphas and at least 20 generic sig stones.

    Two guaranteed 7* champs, that players can rank up, will give players the motivation to do some extra BG's grind, and isn't enough to cause Kabam to panic over the whole "ruining the economy of the game" defense. We're over a year into having 7*'s now, and have been getting some freebies here and there, so grinding for 2 more freebies shouldn't be a problem.

    But in order to ensure individual contribution, there should a high minimum solo point milestone requirement. That way, all of the hardwork doesn't fall on others while allowing those who barely participated collect stellar rewards that they didn't contribute towards.

    But anyway..yeah I'll be doing it.

    Ohh, and why exactly would an uncollected, cavalier and thronebreaker need these rewards 😐. A titan nexus, which hasn't even been introduced into the game yet should be given out to anybody who manages to play BG and hit the 5k point mark?? They already get alpha t4 shards WHICH HAS BEEN SUPERRRR RARE to valiant players since 2 months ago.

    Keep in mind that these rewards ARE NOT progression based. They're literally giving out t4 alpha shards to ANYBODY regardless of progression as long as we meet those milestones.
    These rewards are definitely FINE, the crystal cleanse rewards were garbage but this one is very good even for a valiant player I'm sorry.

    I only disagree with them Making the points so high, 800m is ALOT. They probably expected a lot of players to do BG this time because deathless she hulk piece was locked at vibranium 1 which would get players like myself who only play 5 matches to get those bulk BG tokens at the start of every season to actually do a lot this time around. Which I intend to.
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