Confused about the Bounty missions rewards chests

The bounty mission quest has different star level chests. Are the rewards random or each chest has a specific type of reward? The right up on the bounties does not specify this. Want to know if I need to select a specific opponent for a specific reward.
So when a bounty pops up it will send you to a specific island. So the reward is predetermined. You only pick the opponent you'll fight, which determines the profile pic you'll get
To look generous, they increased trophy tokens in the 10 year anniversary, but SHAMELESSLY nerfed Mysterium.
Use token to to buy those from BG store.
This is what everyone's doing.
Congrats on being part of the game for 10 years.
💀🎉 🥳 🎉💀🥳🎉🥳💀🎉🥳🎉💀
I'm not flexing lol, I'm genuinely asking because I always have so much stuff almost going in overflow. Had to do a couple rank ups recently because of that and I would have thought the same would be happening for other people, so I was just curious. On average how often do you guys do a 6 star r3 plus rank up guys? Out of curiosity
Idk about other ppl but im not endgame yet so im looking for t6b and t3a bc i need 1 more r4 to push for paragon, thats for me at least.
You are probably better running a catalyst path in story. Idk how much basic cats aare in TL4