Does rank affect ascension

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,025 ★★★
edited October 2024 in General Discussion
If I ascend my r4 champ and then r5 him later, will the stats be different from when I r5 first and then ascend.
So does "ascend first, rank later" = "rank first, ascend later". Will the values of attack and health be same in either case?


  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    The order doesn’t matter, you could ascend a r1 champ and then take them r5. And the stats would be the same as a champ that was R5 before being ascended. It believe it’s just a flat 22% boost that’s always active on them.
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,025 ★★★
    Thanks guys for answering my query.
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