“Testing Grounds” to try out our champions against big health pools without additional nodes

Some of the best fun to be had in this game just comes from casually playing around with the champions we acquire. However, as our accounts have grown, and with the arrival of 7 stars, ROL winter soldier isn’t cutting it anymore 😂
It would be great to have a permanent quest in this game where we have champions to fight against with massive health pools but no extra quest nodes so we can just have running fully ramping up/playing around with our roster.
We don’t need rewards for this quest, just some beefy champions to fight for the fun of it.
I believe the CCP has something like this to test out new champions, but it would be cool to open up the concept to everyone.
Labyrinth of legends offers higher health pools but the evade mode takes the fun out of fighting these champions.
It would be great to have a permanent quest in this game where we have champions to fight against with massive health pools but no extra quest nodes so we can just have running fully ramping up/playing around with our roster.
We don’t need rewards for this quest, just some beefy champions to fight for the fun of it.
I believe the CCP has something like this to test out new champions, but it would be cool to open up the concept to everyone.
Labyrinth of legends offers higher health pools but the evade mode takes the fun out of fighting these champions.