Need Alliance for banquet

Hey is there anyone that is recruiting player for banquet event . I need an alliance in which most of the players have 15k + units . I have around 33k units now but i will be able to go above 40k since i have a lot of battlechips . Let me know if you are recruiting


  • BoonecooneyBoonecooney Member Posts: 90
    Hello Shah, are you interested in the other modes of the game as well as the banquet event? Are you able to share your profile?
    If interested? My line I.D is boonecooney
  • Doctor_Death_123Doctor_Death_123 Member Posts: 55
    Yoo shah wys g my alliance made it top 1% last yr and this yr we’re aiming much higher. Dm me in game you’d be a perfect fit, game name is Omega Snoozy and ally name is Domain of Professor K [ProfK] if u want i can show proof of our great score last yr on discord, my discord name is omega0113
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