Battlerealm academy

_puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★
edited October 2024 in General Discussion
I'm making a school system based on champs in the battlerealm. Thank you to all that participated in helping me with this, especially thank you @EdisonLaw for encouraging me to make the original post which led to this. I tried to incorporate an idea from everyone in this post. The link to the original discussion is here:
Let's get started!

Bullseye is the school bully.
Onslaught is bullseye's best friend, and the co bully that looks tough, but doesn't really do anything. However, occasionally he will take part in the bullying.
Mojo is the cyberbullier.
Winter soldier is the most bullied kid.
Cgr is the guy that always has your back.
Fantman is the one smart kid that's in the background, but smokes everyone on the tests.
Professor x is that one teacher that expects you to be smart enough to keep up with what he's teaching.
Deadpool is the legendary class clown.
Black cat, Chavez, Claire, and photon are the popular girls that everyone wants to be associated with.
Chee'ilth and captain marvel are the strong duo together that brags about being stronger than the guys.
Nick fury is the strict principle.
Maestro is the school board director.
The grandmaster, collector, thanos, gly khan, and ouroboros are part of the school board, but under maestros control.
Serpent is the school's guidance counselor; don't let his looks deceive you, his DnD game ran over the day staff photos were being taken.
Korg is that one male cheerleader.
Squirrel girl and Kate would be the leaders of the student government.
Abs man is the one in the garage working on cars when he's not in the gym.
Sentry is the nice teacher while void comes out on exam day.
Iron fist is that one guy that thinks he's strong but really isn't.
Mr fantastic and Doom are the nerds that are always competing against each other; while doom is arrogant and resorts to unethical methods to win over his rivals.
Herc is the gym teacher that expects everyone to be just as good as him.
Rocket raccoon is the kid that fails all of his tests, but can make a full on transformer from scratch.
Blackbolt is the one quiet kid that everyone is afraid of.
Medusa is the one girl always combing her hair.
Mangog is the bus driver.
Sinister, Mephisto, Diablo, and spider punk would form a metal garage band with Mephisto being the lead singer, Sinister on the sticks, Diablo on bass, and Spider Punk on guitar.
Man thing is the janitor.
Night thrasher is that really cool skate boarder guy.
Arcade is the drama teacher.
Negasonic teenage warhead is the girl that sits in the back of the classroom on her smartphone every time the teacher isn't looking.
Silk is the girl that gets bullied by others for wearing a mask.
Elektra is that one kid that people vaguely remember, but haven't actually seen in years.
The leader and doctor octopus are the two mad scientists competing against each other for best project.
Luke cage is the football coach.
Hyperion is the quarterback.
Hulk, Kingpin, and Thing are the football centers.
Namor is the lead driver.
Hulkling is the running back.
Elsa, Kitty, and Emma are the cheerleaders.
Werewolf by night is the school mascot.
Quicksilver is the reason why everyone quit competing in track.
Ultron is the robotics project.
Vision is the robotics teacher.
Modok is the kid in the wheelchair.
Karnak would be the drug dealer that thinks he's cool, but is just cringe.
Prowler and vulture are karnak's best friends. They do all of karnak's dirty work, and think that he is the coolest guy in the school.
Knull is the really old teacher that has been the favorite for ages.
Silver sable is the Karen in the school that nobody likes.
Stryfe is the one kid that got a little too into the medieval era.
Gladiator always wants to pick fights, but never shows up to them.
Spider ham is the guy that eats everything, but can't gain weight and is still skinny. Everyone gives him their lunches in an attempt to fatten him doesn't work.
Venom is the guy that never does his work, but passes the class by cheating off everyone. If anyone disagrees he beats them up.
Morbius failed a little too much and is too old to still be in school.
Shuri is head of the tech department.
Longshot always gets lucky and passes his classes with one point to spare every year.
Nightcrawler avoids conflict at all times and is the kid that hides in the shadows.
Gambit...well he gambles and that's how he pays off his college debt. No scholarships needed.
Jo fix it is gambits body guard.
Iron man runs the schools security system.

If you made it to the end, congratulations! I know it was a lot, but thank you for reading it all! I hope you enjoyed it, and please mention anything else you want me to add. Should I make one for every character in the game? BTW thanks for the title @JLordVileJ


  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    I think you nailed it except namor is the lead DIVER not driver haha. And we should def pitch the idea for an event named exploring the halls or whatever it was from the other post
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    I think you nailed it except namor is the lead DIVER not driver haha. And we should def pitch the idea for an event named exploring the halls or whatever it was from the other post

    Yeah goofy typo on my part lol. I think the idea would be excellent like you said. I hope Kabam looks into this and comments. We may have to get some more agrees and less disagrees in first though lol
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    Ah I cannot tell you how much fun I had imagining all of these keep this going, infact make this into a dedicated thread that updates each month assigning new champs rolls and perhaps changing old ones with buffs and changes in the over-all meta
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Thanks for incorporating everyone’s ideas lol
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    Pikolu said:

    No sersi mentioned, so instant disagree 😂
    Sorry lol, what do you want sersi to be?
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    Ah I cannot tell you how much fun I had imagining all of these keep this going, infact make this into a dedicated thread that updates each month assigning new champs rolls and perhaps changing old ones with buffs and changes in the over-all meta

    I’ll try to do that. Next update will include all of the champs from peoples profile pics that aren’t already included, so that people like @Pikolu aren't left out
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    Thanks for incorporating everyone’s ideas lol

    Of course! I see you noticed modok and Karnak lol
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,832 ★★★★★
    _puy000_ said:

    Sorry lol, what do you want sersi to be?
    Sersi is that one silent kid who randomly steals the show one day.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Include punisher somehow pls
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,682 ★★★★★

    Punisher should be the class boomer who keeps on complaining about other students.
    And have a hidden gun on his bag

    kvirr said:

    Not sure why there is disagree on this, this is pretty cool

    Kids with diapers think this is funny...

    Lets call one that actually clicked disagree.

    None of those kids will appear...

  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Psycho man is the quiet kid, capable of more than he seems to, you don't wanna mess with him. (Photon, FAM counter...)
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,416 ★★★
    Pretty cool!
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    Someone forum posters have a lot of spare time in their hands and a child like imagination
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    edited October 2024

    And have a hidden gun on his bag

    #weneedalawagainstguns Kids with diapers think this is funny...

    Lets call one that actually clicked disagree.

    None of those kids will appear...

    I’m not doing it for comedic effect. Sure some of it is funny, but it’s more of just a fan fiction I wanted to create
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★
    edited October 2024

    Psycho man is the quiet kid, capable of more than he seems to, you don't wanna mess with him. (Photon, FAM counter...)

    I think I may have a quiet kid in there but I will definitely work psycho man in there somehow
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    Pretty cool!

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Maw is missing those school classes I guess ...
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    Someone forum posters have a lot of spare time in their hands and a child like imagination

    I don’t have that much spare time, but I wanted to share my ideas
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    Include punisher somehow pls

    Don’t worry, I got you
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,700 ★★★★
    That's a lot of words.
    Too bad I ain't reading em.
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    That's a lot of words.
    Too bad I ain't reading em.

    What are you trying to accomplish? Do you just want to be toxic like @peixemacaco and some others?
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    _puy000_ said:

    I don’t have that much spare time, but I wanted to share my ideas
    _puy000_ said:

    What are you trying to accomplish? Do you just want to be toxic like @peixemacaco and some others?
    I believe @peixemacaco was trying to defend you actually, it looks like he failed miserably
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 764 ★★★★

    I'd also add Titania is the female bully who always picks on the males and brags about being stronger than them while she hulk is reserved and minds her own business but is always ready to put Titania in her place.

    Titania also mostly hangs out with the boys which is her boyfriend abs man and his gang of bullies (bullseye, Onslaught etc).

    Also like someone said in the previous thread, enchantress is head mistress that does everything to make everyone's lives miserable
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