Who was the most underrated Champion on Release?

The history of MCoC is littered with champions who were severaly underrated on release, people decrying their usefulness, saying they were rubbish, etc etc. But a few of them not only proved they were better than initially thought, they WAY exceeded expectations. Sometimes it took somebody figuring out a certain rotation or use case, or just piecing a combo together, or a new way to use them. Not included are champions who were average until they were explicitly buffed.
A few examples:
Corvus Glaive - people took him into Winter Soldier and decided he was **** beause his damage output was negligible and of course quickly faded when he ran out of charges. It was only when people took him into actual questing, completed his missions, and THEN saw the damage output that people flocked to him. He became an absolute mainstay for a very long time in Legends Runs of EQ and early Incursions (or whatever they were initially called...Dungeons...?). His light faded away when the health pools of Story Quest became too much for him to even reasonably get his first charge and he had limited capability to deal enough damage in Battlegrounds, but his recent release as a 7* has caused a few fans to return.
Quake - Possibly more than any champion she demostrated an entirely new way to play the game. Here was a champion that could bypass nearly any part of the game, provided you had the skills necessary to pull off the "Quake & Bake" or, even better, the "Quake & Shake" (utilising parries, or dexes, respectively). Daisy is a Champion that so fundamentally turned off game modes that she's been left in the annals of history as a 5* Champion (along with Magik). Of course there are frequent calls to have her released as a 6*, or even a 7*, but to date there's be nary a hint from Kabam that that will ever happen. Maybe one day when they desperately need the money
Kate Bishop - Ah, the most recent one. A champion so misunderstood that a poll of what skill champion should be released as a 7* wound up with Shang Chi winning and Kate possibly now doomed to never take that step up. She had some fans, but it was the advent of the Necropolis that fully put her in the spotlight of how ridiculously good she could be in long-form content. But by then it was long past too late. Those of us with 7* Shang Chi may occassionally feel a hint of resentment that it could have been Kate instead
What are some other examples of champions severly misunderstood until someone showed us the light? Dr Doom before @KabamDORK introduced the MCoC world to the "Doom Cycle"? Stark-Enhanced Spider-Man before @Lagacy won the tournament with him defeating Maestro, when everyone else used Star Lord? An argument could be make for She-Hulk, after she was nerfed to no longer be able to chain combos into heavies, then @Metalsonicdude won HIS tournament with her, taking down the Champion.
Let's take a trip down memory lane
A few examples:
Corvus Glaive - people took him into Winter Soldier and decided he was **** beause his damage output was negligible and of course quickly faded when he ran out of charges. It was only when people took him into actual questing, completed his missions, and THEN saw the damage output that people flocked to him. He became an absolute mainstay for a very long time in Legends Runs of EQ and early Incursions (or whatever they were initially called...Dungeons...?). His light faded away when the health pools of Story Quest became too much for him to even reasonably get his first charge and he had limited capability to deal enough damage in Battlegrounds, but his recent release as a 7* has caused a few fans to return.
Quake - Possibly more than any champion she demostrated an entirely new way to play the game. Here was a champion that could bypass nearly any part of the game, provided you had the skills necessary to pull off the "Quake & Bake" or, even better, the "Quake & Shake" (utilising parries, or dexes, respectively). Daisy is a Champion that so fundamentally turned off game modes that she's been left in the annals of history as a 5* Champion (along with Magik). Of course there are frequent calls to have her released as a 6*, or even a 7*, but to date there's be nary a hint from Kabam that that will ever happen. Maybe one day when they desperately need the money

Kate Bishop - Ah, the most recent one. A champion so misunderstood that a poll of what skill champion should be released as a 7* wound up with Shang Chi winning and Kate possibly now doomed to never take that step up. She had some fans, but it was the advent of the Necropolis that fully put her in the spotlight of how ridiculously good she could be in long-form content. But by then it was long past too late. Those of us with 7* Shang Chi may occassionally feel a hint of resentment that it could have been Kate instead

What are some other examples of champions severly misunderstood until someone showed us the light? Dr Doom before @KabamDORK introduced the MCoC world to the "Doom Cycle"? Stark-Enhanced Spider-Man before @Lagacy won the tournament with him defeating Maestro, when everyone else used Star Lord? An argument could be make for She-Hulk, after she was nerfed to no longer be able to chain combos into heavies, then @Metalsonicdude won HIS tournament with her, taking down the Champion.
Let's take a trip down memory lane

Corvus glaive featured arena had the least cutoff in the history of mcoc.
Remember apoc is a dud thread?
I got spam early as 7* and everyone slept him honestly. Antman relic enhances him a lot, I always said he is the best science 7* but actually no one listened. Took him to r3 over titania and silk and no regrets.
Look my judgement's are always right😎.
Luke is another good case, nowadays people realise how good he is. Stealth spidy and black cat were very underrared as well for a long time.
People laughed and even complained that her special slow time mini game is too much and ended up rallying against her and got 7* shangchi instead of 7* Kate 🤮
Now Kabam might never release 7* Kate even tho their golden boy serpent is coldsnap immune 🙆♂️ why is Kabam scared?