Relic rework idea

Wond3rLadWond3rLad Member Posts: 17
edited October 2024 in Suggestions and Requests
Relics should have been actual relics based on characters to give others a single attribute. It would promote being able to use your fav champ regardless of tier lists.
- vampire fang: inflicts bleed on well timed block
- sasquatch fur scarf: immunity to coldsnap
- gambits ballistic vest: 100%bleed damage reduction
- web cartridge: chance to inflict slow debuff
- Infinity guantlet: removes class disadvantage

No need to have a levelling or dupe system. Have different rarities but based more on common/uncommon/rare/unique/legendary. Each levels relic pool would be different, so you cant get 5 of the same thing. Only 1. Getting a dupe of common gives uncommon shards and so on up the ladder.

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