Dear Kabam Santa

Hello Fellow Summoner's, this post is for all of us to send our "Letters to Santa", KABAM SANTA that is lol. Post here your top 3 wishes for the 2024 XMAS SEASON. Example; Dear Kabam Santa. This year I wish to get 6 star Punisher from arena crystals. I wish for 7 star kushala with dupe. And 3rdly I wish that deathless peices unit cost reduced cuz 5k units is a lot and sadly I joined the hunt late lol 20k units just to catch up 😢
Wish 2: 24 Battlerealm Bestie titles
Wish 3: increase drop rate for Battlerealm Bestie titles in friendship crystals
Bonus: able to to see persistent charges already acquired with Sinister and Corvus.
2: To be able to push to Thronebreaker/Paragon
3: Angel (Original) & Iron Hammer for 2025 champs
For 7*'s I have obtained a good lot with 2/3 from banquet with most if not all being not great for the content I want to do (Hawkeye, Bishop, Photon, Sable and IM Hulk)
And evidently still no Angel or Iron Hammer.
My big thing rn is finding the right champs that I want to use to boost me in the story and stuff and overall finding motivation to come back when the game looks like a bore at times with nothing interesting to do (Screw BG)