Mister Negative or The Leader for Rank 3?

Yo! I just finished act 8 exploration and got a science 2 to 3 gem which kinda sucks since its my second weakest 7 star class next to tech (i have 0 7 star techs)
My two science champs are mister negative and the leader. I need valiant soon so which one should i take up? Any advice would help.
My two science champs are mister negative and the leader. I need valiant soon so which one should i take up? Any advice would help.
Mister Negative or The Leader for Rank 3? 46 votes
Tho if you can't wait then mr. Negative
My first R3 is gonna be hyperion after i form this last T4A. Im only in a rush so i can get the valiant black friday offers.
I still have a bit of time since i need some more science T6 to r2 either one. But i would like to get it before black friday.
Black friday is also in 28 days