Realistic and Meaningful Sigil Updates

With all of the chatter about Sigil updates, figured id offer a couple common sense ones that add value.

1. Increase reserve storage capacity a couple ticks further.
2. Triple the amount of time resources stay in your reserve before expiring, so instead of most items expiring in 2 weeks we get 6.
3. Take away the lengthy timers in the store for items that have them and make everything purchasable every week.
4. Add access to purchase resources like 30% boosts, 20% revives, various health potions at a slight discount with a purchase limit
5. Increase the points multiplier for Arenas from X's 3 to X's 5
6. Receive the ability to not lose your win streak once per streak, resets again once your streak returns to 0
7. Increase the Sigil witch given when purchasing according to progression, Paragon+ should get a 6*... a 4* to them is just iso&gold
8. Allow selling of all resources regardless of rarity as a sigil perk
9. Increase the purchase limit according to progression
10. Make a progressive purchase reward, for 3, 6, 9, 12, etc get 10 free daily crystals or legends crystals or something similar.

Nothing ground breaking but some additional perks that could be added to increase the value to the players and drive more to view it as something of value other then an extra weekly challenge.

What do you think? @KabamDORK


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,500 ★★★★★
    Is this an ask for a mile hope they give an inch kind of request?
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    Neither, these are almost exclusively perks that don't provide an overwhelming advantage for the player but adds value through access and QoL improvements... and may return a lot of players that gave up on the sigil to return to purchasing it. If the ask is too rich for Kabam, then slide the value to meet what is palatable for them.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    I’d add shorten the refresh timer for Loyalty 7* crystals.

    Dr. Zola
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    @DrZola, Great idea!
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,538 ★★★★★
    edited November 2024
    While we are doing the wish list (wishfully), let’s add

    Access to an enhanced practice experience or some kind of practice map

    With the ever greater diversity of champs and the dominance of RPG design principles, it would be amazing to get a new champ and be able to practice efficiently against a wider variety than what’s found in RoL, LoL first couple fights, etc. Wiuld be amazing to have easy access to high-health champs with a wide variety of characteristics like lots of buffs, no buffs, different immunities, different debuffs and passives, buffs and passives, etc.

    What I’m describing already exists for CCP, they can just make it available to Sigil holders.
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    Ah another great idea!!! been thinking of some sort of the same thing! like a practice sandbox that you can youse anyone in choose nodes, and defender and their level and rank! yes!!! love it!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    Neither, these are almost exclusively perks that don't provide an overwhelming advantage for the player but adds value through access and QoL improvements

    You and the devs have a somewhat different definition of "QoL improvements."

    I was particularly amused by your assertion that increasing the arena multiplier cap from x3 to x5 is not an "overwhelming advantage."

    Plus, in general it is borderline fatal to say "if the numbers are wrong, just make them right" to a suggestion without some justification. The presumption is there's always a "right" number for any suggestion. But for a suggestion to even be worth working on for the devs, it must simultaneously a) make enough of a change to be meaningful and b) not break anything.

    It is easy to propose numbers that won't break anything. We can increase the arena multiplier from x3 to x3.000001. I can safely say that won't break anything. But it is also not worth doing. Increasing it from x3 to x4 breaks everything. It decreases the grind time for milestones by about 30% which is economically significant, and it provides a 33% scoring advantage for rank rewards. For players grinding for the 6* new releases, that is an overwhelming advantage they could not realistically allow others to have over them.

    The idea behind the Sigil was for it to provide a nice set of perks that almost no one would think was either necessary so such good value that it was too good to pass on. Your suggestions sound like you're trying to make the Sigil something everyone would want to buy, but that's explicitly not what the Sigil is intended to be.

    The danger of making any offer in the game too good to pass up is many players will pass on it nonetheless. The vast majority of players are, and always will be, free to play. And most of them look at most of the offers and think its fine if they pass on them. They are targeted at the whales, or they don't have much value in them for the cost and thus aren't a big loss if they don't spend. But when you make offers that are just too good to pass, and they are in effect showing up month after month indefinitely, it will start to dawn on your free to play players that this game is really just for the spenders, because if you don't spend you're just going to be left behind. What's more, if this thing that is too good to pass on is relatively low cost, like the Sigil is, then you will encourage a wider range of players to buy it, instead of the marginally small number that normally spend on anything.

    When the free to play players feel like they have to spend but don't want to, and are surrounded by players who do spend and consistently have advantages over them, that's the beginning of the end for your F2P game.
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    Ok thats some good perspective! i like the constructive feedback!

    The levels i suggested are just a suggestion. Yes the increase to the arena multiplier would allow them to finish and climb higher, and after your feedback, maybe X5 is too aggressive, maybe something a little lower without as much of an imbalance, or stopping the increase after the last solo milestone is reached, Or maybe the multiplier increase is just not a worth it at all like you said... IMO the multiplier is not the make or break point of value here, but i can see too where if the scale slides too much it becomes overpowering for the people who dont buy it, again not what i was after here in it becoming a "must buy" package.

    My perspective here was to add things that make value to the package for the buyer and doesnt break anything at the same time. more geared for people that dont mind buying it. I wasnt playing the game when the Sigil arrived, so i lack the context that you have on what its intent is. However, whatever the intent is, it shouldn't negate it from proper update and scaling as the game progresses and grows. Again, not looking for a drastic "Whale" advantage for having it, rather more along the lines of efficiencies, resource storage/access, and QoL for the ones that do purchase it.
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 908 ★★★

    With all of the chatter about Sigil updates, figured id offer a couple common sense ones that add value.

    1. Increase reserve storage capacity a couple ticks further.
    2. Triple the amount of time resources stay in your reserve before expiring, so instead of most items expiring in 2 weeks we get 6.
    3. Take away the lengthy timers in the store for items that have them and make everything purchasable every week.
    4. Add access to purchase resources like 30% boosts, 20% revives, various health potions at a slight discount with a purchase limit
    5. Increase the points multiplier for Arenas from X's 3 to X's 5
    6. Receive the ability to not lose your win streak once per streak, resets again once your streak returns to 0
    7. Increase the Sigil witch given when purchasing according to progression, Paragon+ should get a 6*... a 4* to them is just iso&gold
    8. Allow selling of all resources regardless of rarity as a sigil perk
    9. Increase the purchase limit according to progression
    10. Make a progressive purchase reward, for 3, 6, 9, 12, etc get 10 free daily crystals or legends crystals or something similar.

    Nothing ground breaking but some additional perks that could be added to increase the value to the players and drive more to view it as something of value other then an extra weekly challenge.

    What do you think? @KabamDORK

    U are saying it's realistic 🤣🤣 or what u want
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 53
    yes, actually, i do believe it to be realistic... what i believe and Kabam believes is probably not consistent, but yes theres a degree of some bias there, its from my perspective, but still believe it to be fair and reasonable... i'm not throwing ridiculous requests out there like "OMG we should get a TITAN crystal every week for it" or "we should be getting a free T4A cat everyday for it"... you guys act like its a mortal sin to throw an idea for improvement out there...

    i think theres non-money factors there that add QoL and value to the Sigil. again, maybe the arena multiplier is a little aggressive, but the rest are solid changes that dont add much of a competitive advantage, but add value and QoL improvements.

    If you dont agree with my recommendations, then state what you think should be the limits or ideas for improving the sigil... fair or unfair, state why... im interested in the feedback as well...
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Here's a suggestion for MCOC: stop pay walling express arena and bring it to F2P
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