Can I do saga incursions with 6* r3 silk

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
I have 6* r3 silk, 6* r3 kushala, and 6* r3 abs. I can't take up any of them any further. Used all resources on herc. Will I able to do it. Also i don't have red skull.


  • TikkaMasalaTikkaMasala Member Posts: 663 ★★★
    Probably. But take Silk to R4 anyway. She’s worth it.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,060 ★★★★★
    Tough in first try, but if you're willing to try multiple times, you can definitely do it
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,728 ★★★★★
    Here I was doubting on my 7r2
    Thanks for giving me confidence
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,452 ★★★
    I used 6r4 ascended, and 7r1
  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,413 ★★★★
    silk cheeses everything, just have the right hacks
    i'd suggest having backup for some champs tho like wiccan, darkhawk, kingpin and hit monkey. I was struggling on them with silk, took magneto and abs with wiger synergy on 2nd attempt to zone 15
  • DannyBDannyB Member Posts: 118
    Once you get extended stun hack I’m not sure it matters as you’re in control of the fights and the two regen hacks and second chance (which you will defo get) make it pretty hard to die.

    Stun immune, tenacity etc can complicate things but even they are a mild inconvenience tbh.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,208 ★★★★★
    R3 7* Silk can do the entire thing by herself. I'd rank up that 6* if I were you.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I did it with mine r4. Shouldnt be much different, you just have to be patient till zone 8 to get the right hack
  • SpecMSpecM Member Posts: 168 ★★
    Pair Silk with the hack that gives a fury for every debuff that expires + the hack that increases the stun duration; you can stun-lock (MLLLH repeat) any opponent that isn't stun immune/debuff immune or that can't alter stun duration/purify debuffs, so then block damage won't be a factor. Be careful of nodes like tunnel vision, where you get punished for doing the same thing repeatedly.
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