Guardian or HB to r2?

JarvisreiJarvisrei Member Posts: 424 ★★
I'm torn between these two for my tech upgrade. I know Guardian is generally good with dupe, he's a dual threat but I'm not sure about HB. I don't really play raids that often but I hear a lot of people singing his praise even outside of raids and I really love his playstyle so I thought it's better I asked yall.

Guardian or HB to r2? 60 votes

HB (unawakened)
Nesciocaptaincushcscale0725_gmailspiderknight616Herbal_TaxmanGulfstream550blurblotPikolucaptain_rogersSpider_RicoDannyBJJBoy19NBK1999Musha27StephD87Coach_G1ThePredator1001willrun4adonutBrad36613579rebel_ 35 votes
Guardian (unawakened)
DrZolabhuv9191Sw0rdMasterStarzAleorGhostPoolSpiderSpadeHunterJava_JunkieBen_15455The_Doctor_24_1ChrisRM93JackTheSnackBlackTuranTrongNovZhaSagaChampionDenic_2580MASTERPATRICKNemesis_17JLordVileJ 25 votes


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,159 ★★★★★
    Guardian if HB relic
  • JarvisreiJarvisrei Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Polygon said:

    Guardian if HB relic

    I do have a 5* duped version
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Guardian (unawakened)
    With hb you want to spam heavy, but his reach is horrible. Guardian is a lot more flexible and imo is a better defender
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Guardian (unawakened)
    My r3 guardian can do realm of legends winter soldier in under a minute. No one stands a chance in battlegrounds bro
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    HB (unawakened)

    My r3 guardian can do realm of legends winter soldier in under a minute. No one stands a chance in battlegrounds bro

    Hate to break to you but Hulkbuster is a better nuke, guardian is great but not faster than hulkbuster.

    R3 No boosts or Synergies
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    Guardian (unawakened)
    gotta go Guardian. both preferably, but that heavy reliance, and the change to the spacing of it, impacted mr Stark’s personal tank. Captain Canada is a straight up evergreen rank, never wavered too much, like AA or RMAags.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
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