Saga Incursion cheese

ScarfacemtgScarfacemtg Member Posts: 16
If your lucky enough to have weapon x. 5-7 star I used the 6 star version. With second chance and hemostatic charge hacks and good bleed immune boss luck. It's an easy zone 15. What I do is let the defender hit you proc the second chance let him continue to hit me and build the furies. And if your in berserk mode you heal all the damage while indestructible. So you can heal all the way back to full health. Then just hit build the power stings with bleeds and dead. it was 1 shotting million health bosses.


  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Might give this a shot with 6 and 7 star weaponx and either silk or sinister.
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