Hood Profile Pic When?

HotboiFieriHotboiFieri Member Posts: 69
Please art team. I still have hopes that one day I will see a glorious PREMIUM PURPLE BORDERED BEAUTY OF A PROFILE PIC OF WHO!? THE HOOD.

I have given up on withholding pets from my pup, but I still will fight for this profile pic.

If a chair can get a profile pic why can THE HOOD NOT.

It would be Legen…wait for it…DARY!

Thank you in advance cause I know the art team wont let me down.


  • shield311shield311 Member Posts: 1,373 ★★★★
    they should add some sort of profile pic selector in one of the anniversary content, I really REALLY want the purple border onslaught, I think he exists since I saw someone with it in bgs and he looks DOPE
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