A victim alliance rebuilding for banquet- second successive year!

My alliance has been made victim to scam members who joined and left, leaving me to rebuild the ally from scratch. I have proof that I did not kick anyone out, which is what they claim.
I am rebuilding this ally for a second successive year, requirement is 10k units!
Discord name is omega0113
Ally name is Professor K’s Domain
In game name is Omega Snoozy

I am rebuilding this ally for a second successive year, requirement is 10k units!
Discord name is omega0113
Ally name is Professor K’s Domain
In game name is Omega Snoozy

So must have been pre-planned.
Unless you mean some of the ones who were kicked who weren’t part of the mass-exodus just assumed it was you that kicked them.
Anyways, did you invite them all back after you saw that ? (in case there were some who were not part of that)
(edit. Oh, other posts comments. @Toproller89 , so you’re saying it wasn’t Saal that took everyone away ?)
Alliance tag (banq+)
And didn’t ask his officers for the screenshots of units, which are probably his alts anyway.
I take the kick comment back, but the other points still stand.
Hard to do though with a new (or newly rebuilt) alliance. Get references
And telling people you might kick them after they already joined ally is not cool as well.
Not like you gonna beat the whales ...