Sinister Question

Mikes_momMikes_mom Member Posts: 201
Hello, apologies if similar discussions already exist.
I have 6* Mr. Sinister at r4 sig 200 unascended, should I max him out or r3 the 7* unawakened version of him?
Thank you.

Sinister Question 94 votes

Max out 6*
Spity68GarloDaywalkerXEnvi1Giantwalrus56willrun4adonutwaterboy_222Random123456789N8buckeye08DoomstroyerBungo 11 votes
R3 7*
Heinz11BigTuna_2054KingnaescaptaincushCropDusterJyotishkaTheNinjaCowboiBulmktLPtheArtist_666LiquidkoldMigginslyanggafkGulfstream550OurobørosJustcause102ArnavTrafalgarwar96svilariumDeaconHaveinchbut 83 votes


  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 143
    R3 7*
    In my opnion as attacker is pure RNG as a defender the sig could be more useful.

    I would prefer 7* R3. Planning to r3 mine too.
  • Mikes_momMikes_mom Member Posts: 201
    Thanks @Googan & @Adri5846
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,158 ★★★★★
    R3 7*
    His dupe is nice for questing. I’d r3 him either way though, just like onslaught.
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 402 ★★★
    R3 7*
    He is on the short list for rank 3 especially if I can awaken him somehow.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,810 ★★★★★
    Max out 6*
    If your focus is BG, then I'd change my answer. If it is questing or incursions, then the max sig, but rank him up and ascend.
  • BEA5T_FURYBEA5T_FURY Member Posts: 146
    R3 7*
    I mean dupe definitely helps but not soo much to not rank up a 7* version
  • MmaatthheewwMmaatthheeww Member Posts: 126 ★★
    R3 7*
    I have a max 6*, and I'm still going to r3 and awaken (cyberweekend) my 7* Sinister. Atm, he's a top contender for r4.
  • Mikes_momMikes_mom Member Posts: 201
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,810 ★★★★★
    Max out 6*
    Mikes_mom said:
    And I will say how I use him for carrying in incursions would NOT work with an unduped sinister. I'd actually rather take a 6r4 max sig sinister over a 7r3 Sinister for incursions as his mystic sig, mutant is OP.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
    R3 7*

    Mikes_mom said:
    And I will say how I use him for carrying in incursions would NOT work with an unduped sinister. I'd actually rather take a 6r4 max sig sinister over a 7r3 Sinister for incursions as his mystic sig, mutant is OP.
    Do you rate his mutant charges higher than cosmic? They are powerful but mystic are OP
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,810 ★★★★★
    edited November 2024
    Max out 6*

    Mikes_mom said:
    And I will say how I use him for carrying in incursions would NOT work with an unduped sinister. I'd actually rather take a 6r4 max sig sinister over a 7r3 Sinister for incursions as his mystic sig, mutant is OP.
    Do you rate his mutant charges higher than cosmic? They are powerful but mystic are OP
    Before his buff, I would go for 3 mystic, then 3 cosmic, and 3 skills. I actually valued his mutant one very little.

    However, since his buff and using him with these new hacks, I'd go in the order of mystic, then cosmic, then mutant. I don't do a full analysis though like others do for champs - this is just what I 'feel' based on my incursion runs, which is what I base Sisniter's questing usefulness on.
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