Lady Deathstrike synergy not working right

Lady DS has synergy with Old Man Logan where she starts each fight with a number of fury buffs depending on how many #x-men and wolverines she’s defeated. Running incursions and I’ve taken down 2 OML, 1 X-23, 2 Dani, and 1 Namor (at least) and sometimes I stay with 0 fury, sometimes 1 or 2. Should be up to 6+ at this point, not sure if the Wolverine double counts for OML and X-23.


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,226 ★★★★★
    I'm taking a look at it and have made it past the point of being thoroughly confused by the wording to just generally confused because the wording on the cross-fight and the wording on the actual synergy do not match. One makes it sound like you get a single fury buff and the other makes it sound like you can theoretically stack them limitlessly
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