Frick rng

I actually hate this game sometimes after 11 7 star crystals I get two good characters and then SIX **** MIDTEIR SKILLS AND A DUPE ON SILVER SURFER WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY DOGSHIT. Please if any of you can make my day by posting smth worst then this is light up
I don't know what else to tell you
Killmonger can earn you so many kills just at r1 unduped in battlegrounds at those diamond levels or lower.
I'm speaking from experience I hated killmonger when I got him. I levelled him up and he was ALWAYS getting me kills and became one of my most COMPETENT defenders in BG because of this. HE'S R2 now but still UNDUPED and still doing good for me in GC.
Make with what you have, you obviously do not play showcase, gauntlet and High Tier wars so you probably don't know what you have in cheeilth.
If you don't know what you have in Sasquatch then I don't know how to help you.
That said, mid champions can also be wildly useful. I have both Chee'lith and Jabari at r2 myself, and OG Black Panther is a pretty strong contender for a future rank-up. Once sig stones become a bit more prevalent in the game, I'll also definitely rank up Korg for defense. When I've awakened my Killmonger, he might also go up. He can be incredibly annoying without the right counter.
I don't have Patriot so I have no opinions on him, but I'm fairly happy to have pulled all of the others.
Am I a bit less happy about having pulled Jabari over and over and over and over again? Yes. But the first two pulls were cool.
Give him a shot, from what I have seen in chats, he needs the dupe and yours just got duped.
I have a lot of random rage cope rankups just like this, which I have used more than I expected.
I don't have him so I haven't event read his abilities, Find a video, how to use him vs photon and go forward with that.
who is it you think is your only 2 good champs?
saying you have 6 mid tier skills clearly means you have no idea how good cheelith is