Best Relic for Onslaught?

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
I'm wondering most the most effective relic would be for Onslaught?

I previously thought Mr Sinister because of inflicting that bleed debuff but I'm no longer sure that it's actually effective and actually more useful on others.

So what would you say is the most effective Relic to put on him, and what specifications for runes etc?

Alternatively I'm thinking that it actually doesn't matter and just throw whatever free 3* on him is fine...

Best Relic for Onslaught? 86 votes

Mr Sinister
MasterSmokeAce_03buffajrLuciusVorenusyossAlex13369BluestoneGarloGyanemdjerTheAngryOneLittlePetet123459ArnavSoundwarp돌껑이psp742Envi1SquidopusAge_of_Luca2000artfuldodgers 51 votes
Sagacious0wlcaptain_rogersLordEmperorSlothAdri5846LopsMS_137RiryokuKirberus_Kingering_KingMikey456xLPinkerje 11 votes
Gordon_X602svilariumLordZenithVivesector 4 votes
AsyalolSWOOP_THE_FLOORbingbongmanSchultz10213 4 votes
Doesn't matter
ZENMagrailothosSandeepSOurobørosAleorsxlbstverliebtJhonST33Tony886Light_StormArocPart2MmaatthheewwIbijKoukentsu_Rick87_Pimbechedr2ws 16 votes


  • Mostafa_Amr1Mostafa_Amr1 Member Posts: 8
    Mr Sinister
    It’s just free regen
  • RiryokuRiryoku Member Posts: 141 ★★
    For BGs, Mr. Sinister works well because of the Willpower from the bleed, but personally, I use Gambit's. Since most of the hits from Onslaught's SP1 are physical, the Gambit relic lets me apply more neuroshocks if they are critical hits. This helps not only in BGs but also in general content.
  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154
    I use Gambit only becouse as you say Mr. Sinister works better with others.
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 800 ★★★
    Sinister first, but mine is on Storm as the bleed gives prowess to her.

    I use gambit currently as he also increases phys resistance, I find onslaught benefits from a block heavy play style, not necessarily to parry but to gain the distance to counter a heavy with your heavy.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,871 ★★★★★
    Sinister relic is better on a lot other champs. Gambit relic benefits him since his sp1 is physical
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    Thanks all - this was really helpful
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,158 ★★★★★
    I finally pulled the 5* sinister relic yday, how big is the dupe on it?
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    I finally pulled the 5* sinister relic yday, how big is the dupe on it?

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Doesn't matter
    The Sinister relic isn't bad for Onslaught - but it's wasted on him, when others benefit far more.

    Four seconds of free Willpower healing is not going to win many fights for you, with Onslaught.

    On the other hand, the SP2 Attack boost it can give Domino whilst Lucky is huge. (For those who recommend the Gambit relic for her, you need to do the math: it adds nothing)

    Similarly, four seconds of free Death Field for Omega Red can be fabulous, especially with the relic stun giving you a free Heavy attack.

    Or a free Armour Up for Colossus (although unlike Domino, Colossus loves the Gambit relic...)

    Or auto-generating Bleed Immunity for Apocalypse

    Prowess for Storm

    Outrage for Namor

    Or even triggering Degen for Cable; in the unlikely event you're using him...

    Edit: I voted doesn't matter - but reading the comments above mine, I'm going to start using the Gambit relic for him...
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