Glorious Guardians Rework Speculation - Now with a helpful picture!

Kabam just posted this to their MCOC Instagram story. Historically, silhouettes haven’t been super useful tools for determining what Kabam is hinting at, but I refuse to learn that lesson because speculation is too fun.
We know we’re looking for a science, a tech, and a mutant champion. I think the one on the left could be Sentry (long hair and cape), right could be Starlord (short hair, seems to be wearing a jacket), and middle is a tough one but maybe Beast (based solely on size and need of a buff). There are definitely other possibilities for these, so what’re y’all thinking?
Right could *maybe* be Jubilee? The jacket would work, and she does have short hair.
Middle: Luke cage or Thing
Right: Sunspot or Casual OML
Middle is Sentinel probably
Not sure about the right
You may be right on Jubilee on the right.
Ok, so I’m updating my guesses to add Jubilee. So, Sentry, Sentinel, and Jubilee.
This image won’t be 1 to 1 with what the champs look like. They might be representative of size and like major fashion choices (capes, hair length, etc.), but even that is a maybe. We could find out tomorrow that we’re all way off, but that’s the fun of it.
Middle one could be beast same shoulder literally
Middle: Cable or Beast
Right: Looks like arcade, but I’m gonna throw Vulture out there.
These silhouettes might also just be champions being revealed like Deathless Thanos. I could see Deathless Thanos for the middle. It also could be the reveal of a new trophy champion. There was a leak just a few weeks ago regarding something like this. In fact, looking at the picture for the leak, I could see the left silhouette being that leaked champion.