Memory Recap Thread

SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
With the game being a decade old now, I thought it would be a fun idea to have people introduce themselves with some memorable moments they’ve have either on the forums on in the game.


  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 561 ★★★★
    I don’t have many screenshots. But this was my profile back in Feb of 2018.

    And he was my first rank 4 at that time since he had gotten buffed that same month:
  • SbkruebSbkrueb Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    I started almost at the beginning, playing casually until I joined an alliance.

    Once I got more into it I discovered MCOC concierge and spent a lot of time in the general chat. I got to know Josh and Dragon and eventually @DragonMCOC invited me to be a moderator.

    It was insane!!! This was back when Kiryu and Trucos and everyone was still just starting out.

    Between all the concierge rooms and being an alliance leader i was in 22 line chats or more. We saw crazy crazy stuff in there.

    And then it got nuked when a certain someone went coo coo for cocoa puffs, lol.

    Burnt out running high level for years and stepped back to just a player.

    I've met so many amazing (and not so amazing) people over the last 9-10 years.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    I started playing the game around early 2021, back when Odin and Mangog first released, where I played casually for the first two years before starting to really grind around mid-2023.

    One of the highlights of my early MCOC days was pulling Havok as my first 4*, who at the time I thought was one of the best, most OP champions in the game because of his high special damage. I remember going into global chat bragging to everyone about how I got a 4* Havok that could one shot everyone with his special 3. Unfortunately, I was broken out of this reverie once I got into act 4, where Havok couldn't one shot everyone with an sp3 anymore.

    Another real game-changer for me came when I pulled CGR as my 5th 5*. After looking online and seeing his insane dps, I decided to take him straight to rank 5, where he was insanely helpful in getting me through act 4 and act 5 chapter 1. This was also where I got stuck on for a long time, as I struggled to beat all the nodes and health pools of act 5 chapter 2.

    Thankfully, I pulled a 5* Ultron soon after, who became my second rank 5 5*. Ultron was a major help, and allowed me to get around nodes like Biohazard and Caltrops. He became my favorite champion for a time, and I glazed him constantly on the forums, touting his immunities, Power Burn, regen and Evade, which were a major help for a new, inexperienced player like myself. I honestly can't even begin to count how many bad situations these abilities helped bail me out of.

    To prepare for the 5.2.6 Collector fight, I also ranked up my 5* Mister Sinister (my first 5*) to rank 4. Looking back, this was a pretty dumb decision, as pre-buff Sinister was little more than a "wet noodle". Along with CGR, Ultron, 4* rank 5 nick Fury and 6* Thor Jane Foster, I took on the Collector, and a few tutorials, 40 minutes and 500 units later, he was down. I remained Uncollected for around 3 months, being unable to progress beyond act 5 chapter 4.

    My first good 6* pull was Spiderman Stealth Suit, where I remember literally cheering out loud. He was my first 6* rank 2, and was a major help in getting me to Cavalier.

    I joined a new alliance around the end of 2022, in preparation for the upcoming Banquet event. At the time, I was surprised they would let such a bad account like myself join, since they were a Silver 1 alliance. I'm still in that same alliance to this day, and I've managed to rise and become one of its strongest players.

    The 2022 Banquet. Oh what a time to be alive, back when 6* rank 4s were something to brag about and when the Banquet's rewards were at their peak. This was a huge event for my account for a number of reasons: One, this was when I acquired trophy champions for the first time ever; a 5* Thanos, which I proudly displayed as my MCOC profile picture. Two, this was when I acquired a 6* Hercules from an Abyss Nexus, which has helped me through so much content. He was my first ever 6* rank 4, and for good reason. While he may not be as good now, back in 2021 and 2022 the Herc hype train was at its peak, and I made sure to take full advantage of the guy.

    Around the beginning of 2023, Absorbing Man was being hyped up to be one of the best and most unique champions the game had ever seen, and every single MCOC youtuber and forumer out there were going all in on the 6* featured crystals trying to acquire him. Following this trend, I took a big risk, and invested 15,000 of my precious 6* shards into a featured 6* crystal, where I somehow defied the odds and pulled Absorbing Man first try. I remember being absolutely ecstatic, almost jumping for joy. He was and Hercules were the best 6*s I had at the time, and he became my first ever 6* rank 3. He also went on to be the champion I chose to invest an awakening gem into, and to this day he's still the best champ on my MCOC profile.

    November 2023 was when I finally achieved the rank of Thronebreaker. The Grandmaster boss fight was, and still is, the most fun I've ever had playing MCOC. The mechanics of the fight were appropriately difficult to follow while not being too tedious, and the fight itself was exhilarating for me. After reaching this milestone, I finally decided to really start grinding MCOC. The rewards I acquired also helped me take Hercules as my first rank 4.

    The 2023 Banquet event. While this was considered disappointing by many players, it was an absolutely insane event for me. This was where I acquired three more trophy champions: 6* Weapon X, 5* Kang and 3* Jessica Jones. I also acquired my first 7*, Professor X, from a Gifted Guardians 7* crystal.

    April 2024 was when I finally ascended to the rank of Paragon. I had beaten 7.4.6 around 2 months prior, and after a lot of grinding, I finally managed to acquire enough resources to take up three 6* champions to rank 4: Hercules, Overseer and Doctor Doom, who I pulled from a Mystic Abyss Nexus during 2023's Banquet.

    June 2024 was when I took up my first 7* to rank 2: Gamora. She's an absolute BGs nuke, and is still insanely helpful in gamemodes like BGs and Arenas, and when I want to grind through EQ quickly.

    October 2024 was when I opened my first 3 Titans. I'd been saving Titan shards for months at that point, and because the previous pool was quite bad, I decided to try my luck once the new Titan pool came out. I ended up pulling Arcade, Nova, and Emma Frost.

    And that brings us to today. I'm extremely grateful to this community, and for all the fun memories the game has brought me. I've met so many helpful, amazing individuals through this game, and I'm extremely thankful for stumbling across MCOC on the App Store all those years ago.

  • FeydRauthaFeydRautha Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    8 years account progression

    Also this old duel screen

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I remember going 0-24 on the old 20% featured crystals. I remember playing war from its inception and the 2* revolt against the change in the map and early matchmaking. I remember shell alliances and war manipulation. Prestige matchmaking which ultimately blew up my alliance.

    On the plus side, I remember beating my first celebrity challenge. The thrill of beating ROL for the first time with a cobbled together no damage block team and a 3* Star Lord. Beating Wolverine with a 1511 combo. Taking out Maestro and short path Venom in act 4. Beating LOL. IDK that anything in the game brings that sort of satisfaction anymore but I still enjoy the game.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    I remember trying to do the EQ that was running when I started out, Rocket and Groot's Holiday Adventure where all 3 difficulties got a 3* Groot in the rewards and not being able to beat Guillotine because my underdeveloped roster of 2*s couldn't beat the 3* of her that was a boss and nearly yeeting my tablet across the room when I ran out of units after running out of revives. I gave up on the EQ and went back to story mode.

    I remember the Realm of Gold quest and getting millions in gold and using it to chew through my Iso stash to max all my two stars and level loads of three stars.

    I remember doing the arena for 3* Thor Jane and getting in the top 11% and getting her which was the only time I ever did a featured arena like that.

    I remember getting through Act 3 in the November after the lower progression titles were added, so I could be Proven instead of Contender (or is it Challenger?) and get the better rewards from the monthly calendar.

    I remember getting Uncollected in 2022 when my Mum was in hospital after a partial hip replacement and doing that helped distract me from how much I missed her and excitedly telling her about doing it when I next visited. (I was 44 but I was acting like I was 14.) I used to tell Mum all about the game and the EQ stories and ****. She never cared, but she let me witter on about it and so many other things and she always at least feigned interest.

    I never got to tell Mum about getting Cavalier.
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 652 ★★★
    I started around a year after game's launch.
    I remember a lot of stuff, but my most fond memory, was beating the collector, with a 4* magik.
    I also remember the time when the blade trinity was enough to beat everything in the game (eventually, even LOL)
    I remember the when the first 6*s came to be, and how i scrambled to get one too (ended up being a yellowjacket)
    Some of the less enjoyable memories, were during pre-nerf act 6. But even though the fights were basically a garbage fire, the sense of accomplishment, after beating them, was just too enjoyable.
    The grandmaster fight, prolly one of my favs after cerastes, was also very enjoyable, and my joy upon reaching TB was immeasurable.
    I actually quit the game for a while, after TB (around 2021), and then returned, in 2023
    I kinda stalled story content, until i felt tht i absolutely needed to get the next few ranks.
    Eventually pushed through Act 7, 8, and eventually 9, and am now paragon, with 1 r3 left from valiant.
    Its funny, how i used to find champs with PIs of 2k, and 2.5k to be the pinnacle of the game's power, while i now hv champs, with 10X that.
    Whatever we may say about Kabam, i have to agree, they've kept the game alive. MCOC was a part of me growing up (i started when i was 14, and am 20 now).
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