AW season 54 scoring

What are people’s thoughts on the reduction from 30k win bonus to only 5k win bonus?
It looks like it will be incredibly difficult to move ranks at this point. For reference, my ally finished plat5, rank 149 last season. After winning the first 3 wars for this season (tier 4 map), we are currently plat5 rank 153. That doesn’t make sense to me!
It looks like it will be incredibly difficult to move ranks at this point. For reference, my ally finished plat5, rank 149 last season. After winning the first 3 wars for this season (tier 4 map), we are currently plat5 rank 153. That doesn’t make sense to me!
So winning, increasing your WR, which can bump you up to higher Multiplier during the season.
Which then would lead to more points, and potential higher Standings.
But, yes, if you are basically in the same Multiplier Tier (or 2) the entire time, you pretty much have a predetermined Standings bracket in which you’ll end up.
(I was noticing this already the last time a long time ago, when they lowered it down from the original 50,000)
Showing our finish from last season at rank 149 plat5, with our 3 wins to start this season, and our current rank of 153 for plat5. That is incredibly harsh and has our entire ally feeling like AW is not worth it. Sucks.
Even before this new Win Bonus change, weren’t you giving up a huge amount of Season Points by not running 3 BG ?
Even if you might not have as good of Win/Loss ratio as you do only running 2 BG ?
Ultimately it should mean the alliances that fight cleaner more consistently come out on top like they always have, it probably just shakes up the middle of the pack rankings more than anything? I war in gold 1/2 and it's still common to see 100+ deaths per war, there's a lot of room of other alliances to do better and get rewarded for it.