New Carinas Necro Challenges

G00SE_G00SE_ Member Posts: 27
So, I didn't play during the acquisition of Deathless Guillotine or Deathless King Groot. So, what are my options for doing this next set of carinas? Depending on the rarity of deathless pieces I purchase, I would have to spend 18k or 30k units, which is just not feasible. I don't want to pay $600 - $1000 to do content because I wasn't playing then. I've done the ccp challenges and a few necro runs. So, I wanted to try these challenges for what I would assume to be limited-time rewards (like crucible), or are the rewards from this set of carinas going to be around indefinitely? If that's the case, I could eventually farm the units. Last thing, if I did purchase the Deathless pieces I'm missing in a 6-star rarity, would I be able to complete the necro runs for a 7-star Deathless Thanos, or would I be limited to a 6-star Deathless Thanos? I would love some clarification from Kabam. Thank you.


  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,068 ★★★★★
    You don't really have to spend any money whatsoever to get them. Just grind arena to get units like crazy.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,173 ★★★★★
    You need all 4 deathless as a 7* to get 7* deathless thanos.

    You only need the deathless for one challenge and it's for thanos
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