Carina’s Challenges

smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,884 ★★★★
This is probably just a “me” thing and I’m being lazy.

I’m pretty far behind on Carina’s Challenges. The list in that tab is getting pretty long and new ones are being added and it’s a lot to scroll through.

I’m not sure how difficult this would be or if it’s worth the effort, but a filter for them would be really nice.

I can/should just start clearing them off to shorten the list.

As this is the “Suggestions and Requests” part of the forum though, I guess that’s my suggestion/request.


  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 309 ★★
    2 months ago they say Carina's are back
    Then they say it begun 4th December

    6 days ago we got (a mistaken) ingame mail for gauntlet solo event and dless she hulk piece with a link to nowhere 🧐 (gauntlet 20th December)

    I don't get it why is so hard to communicate the events but it's a bit tired.
    And you suggest/request a filter..
    Good luck to all of us 😇

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