Sunday Arena Change

Hi my suggestion is regarding the Sunday arena’s. I would recommend either adding units to the milestones. Or scrapping the arena’s altogether and creating new arena’s where you can use 7 star champions and acquire 7 star shards. One other potential solution for those that like to use arena’s for unit grinding. You could extend the 4 star arena 1 extra day. This allow players to arena grind on Sunday, giving them more time to complete this arena which is typically the longer of the three arena’s.
That’s not going to happen in the foreseeable future. The arenas are the Hercules of game modes. They have more rewards than the devs are really comfortable having, and it is several times easier to get them than originally intended.
You’re asking them to buff Hercules. Be happy we have them at all, because I know of no other f2p mobile game that allows players to grind as much premium currency as MCOC arenas, with as little effort as MCOC arenas require.
Context: I was one of the players that worked with the devs on the last arena redesign, and I probably have had the most interaction with the devs in the area of the game economy.
I can tell you right now, the arenas are not anywhere near the normal balance parameters for the game. I'm saying that as an absolute certainty, not some wild guess. When arena suggestions cross his desk, as you said he doesn't *have to* touch anything else except what you're suggesting. But why would he ignore his job description and do anything other than his job, which is to look at the arena reward structure with a critical eye and decide whether it fits into the current MCOC 2024 economy parameters, since, you know, you're making him look at it?
He won't. You'll say "let's chagne things so players have more time to earn units by extending things into Sunday" and he'll say "give them more time, you say? Well let's see how that will affect how much units the players will be getting based on the current data." And then he'll start looking at how much units players get now. And that will make him wonder where all those units come from. And that will cause him to analyze how much time it actually takes, on average, to earn all those units. And then he might stop and consider, before allowing players more time to earn units, is it already too easy to earn them now.
Unless he's completely brain dead, that's where this leads. It is what I would do.
Actually, that's not entirely true. The truth is I've already done that. And so have the devs. These are not unanswered questions. We all know the answers already. It is just there's no excuse right now to actually act on them.