New 10 year challenge tag

There’s a new 10 year challenge tag and it includes Wong and sentry. So I think it’s safe to assume this will be the champ pool for the full necro run challenge. The pool looks solid 18 champs. Also I’m glad they are giving people a 7* Wiccan so they have a reverse controls immune option. What do you guys think of the pool?
Can someone post the full tag list? Cant update yet, want to prepare my run to possibly start later today
Also which fights did Knull do, as I don't have him awaken, so will have to see who else can take his place.
I have Kate in the team but didnt use her much. Knull can cheese the Valkyrie fight and better than Wong for me fighting Psychoman and Guardian
adam spam and chee at rank 3
Photon wiccan wong gamora ironheart at rank 2
Will get free vox which I might rank 2
Hope to get sentry or sentinel
Can probably solo everything with Wong till Grandmaster. Photon is there to help on Wiccan in case he regens much (despair mastery). Hulkbuster is to thank on Grandmaster, and can't decide between Vox or Adam for anything specific.
Tits, wiccan, psycho, drago- sentry
Red guardian, capiw - black cat
Aarkus, air Walker, cap Britain, nova - wiccan
Guardian, valk, sam - knull/gorr/vox (lmk who's best, only gorr is duped).
Ironheart Or one more cosmic for backup.
If I don't pull sentry I'll just use spam for sentry fights (will get the job done, especially the 25 stings once per fight would be too useful).