Just finished the 5th Necro Challenge and just wanted to say, Well done Kabam!

I finished the 5th necro challenge, the only one left is the deathless run and I can’t wait! I know I’m in the minority but this is some of my favorite content in the game. The champion pools felt fair and made me use some champs I don’t normally use. Even the dimensional beings challenge was alot of fun (except for S2099). I just wanted to make a post to say well done to the team that made these challenges. I had so much fun doing them and I hope you guys keep challenges like these coming.
To those of you thinking they are too hard I encourage you to watch some videos and practice on the first fight of each path. I was able to do all 5 challenges without using any of my units, just revives and heals I’ve been saving up. If anyone has questions about any of the challenges feel free to ask.
To those of you thinking they are too hard I encourage you to watch some videos and practice on the first fight of each path. I was able to do all 5 challenges without using any of my units, just revives and heals I’ve been saving up. If anyone has questions about any of the challenges feel free to ask.
How long did it take you to learn Wong, assuming you didn't use him prior to this?