Red skull node 21 AW

WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★

Yo so basically i was playing aw n i was the last of my alliance to pick the path n ended up with that one, could i theoretically have done it with max attack bonus with any of the lvld up chars i got? i used photon with odin n just timed out with 19% hp on him remaining
Also what r the best counters for that matchup in specific? might have it but have no idea it works against him lol


  • MLemon_79MLemon_79 Member Posts: 8
    I just took him with Sinister. I baited SP1, waited out the auto block, and let the bleeds stack before I threw my SP1. Degens did the job.
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    MLemon_79 said:

    I just took him with Sinister. I baited SP1, waited out the auto block, and let the bleeds stack before I threw my SP1. Degens did the job.

    forgot to say my sinister is in aw defense mb
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 821 ★★★★
    Kushala could probably have been able to do it, given that she’s bleed immune and gets extra AA per unique blessing so she can still trigger abilities through glancing. There’s maybe a world where sp3 spam with a bleed immune like Destroyer could also work. Not much other options though. You would probably benefit a lot from ranking up a champ with some form of armor control, whether that be armor breaks or some form of armor AAR like duped Gladiator.

    I’ll also mention that while the Sinister suggestion would probably work at your level, higher tier wars have a bleed potency up node on that tile which will absolutely chew through Sinister’s bleed resistance.
  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 153
    I usually do path 3 and I use Terrax for that RS.

    He can do the wohole path if the firts section is with metal tag defenders.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,785 ★★★★★
    I usually use cgr Or dkg for that red skull.

    This neta I use knull since he's decay
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