Kabam's Banquet: The Ultimate Mystery Event

It’s December 17th, and still, no word on the banquet that’s supposed to kick off on the 20th. Maybe Kabam is planning to surprise us with a "Guess the Rewards" mini-event before the actual banquet. Who knows?
Meanwhile, Summoners are refreshing their news tabs like it’s a professional sport. But hey, who needs communication when you’ve got… umm… hope?
Let’s give Kabam some space. Maybe they’re testing a new reward system called “Invisible Milestones”—where you can’t see the rewards or the event. Revolutionary stuff
Meanwhile, Summoners are refreshing their news tabs like it’s a professional sport. But hey, who needs communication when you’ve got… umm… hope?
Let’s give Kabam some space. Maybe they’re testing a new reward system called “Invisible Milestones”—where you can’t see the rewards or the event. Revolutionary stuff

With that said, it would be great to know what is going to go down. It won't change anything, but if they could release details 2 weeks ahead last year, then it is reasonable and fair to assume they could do the same this year, especially considering the details have probably been finalized for several weeks, maybe even a few months at this point. Either they've shifted their timing, want to hold things closer to the chest, or it's another 2024 flop in communication.
Anxiety is a serious plague...
Not one word.
But whatever, radio silence is the new (old?) norm.
If I was Kabam the smart thing to do would be aligning Banquet with X-mas cash deals
You bring out the radio silence as if this was a case of wrong doing towards a player and sweeping it under the rug...
Oh I get now, you are the same dude that started a post about not getting answers on an issue that was beat and posted to death . Yeah makes total sense
Fact is, this info has always been posted well ahead of time creating an expectation in the community, whether justified or not.
This year there has been zero communication and worse zero acknowledgment from the exact team that has repeatedly committed to better communication.
This leads to a feeling of not being heard or "seen" which leads to escalating anxiety.
Also there are plenty of people out there who are relying (whether justified or not) on this information toplan their strategy and time around real life for the game.
I for one have a very busy life, as do many players, and I have to budget both my time and resources. Having information even just a week before hand can have a huge impact on time budgeting for me.
And lastly for a team, who again, has repeatedly vowed to improve communication it does not take much in resources to say "Hey folks, banquet info should drop on...", OR "Hey everyone, there was a delay in the info drop we are working on it" OR EVEN "This year we aren't doing an info drop until the event hits"
Anything but ignoring everyone would be greatly appreciated.
I don’t remember what they did prior to that.
I think that announcement last year and the discussion the ensued are why people expected the same early announcement this year. The way that discussion went, it might be the reason we didn’t get early news this year.
If there will be no early news, they could have just mentioned on the live stream that they wanted to maintain suspense this year so there will not be an early details announcement this year and saved a lot of threads but this is all engagement so maybe that’s still a win for them.
If being ignored is your thing that's great. No judgment. But for others it's not.
In all seriousness though, the only things that need to be known in advance are the start time, which has been announced, and the Alliance lockout, which remains the same as last year. You must be in an Alliance for two weeks before you can contribute to Alliance points or earn Alliance rewards. That means you want to move to your Banquet Alliance before the event starts.
Pretty please
You are the guy who told me to get out and bye Felicia... And now you calling me toxic?..🤣
Don't throw the first stone and cry about it later...