10th anniversary calendar isophyne

i got to thronebreak once i knew that you can get 7 star new awesome isophyne but sadly no changes in the calendar and it still shows the 6 star version! is that right? or fair? or it should update to the new progression as they said and as i worked towards it to get!
Check your regular monthly calendar, it stayed Cav too, didn't change.
if that is ok with you i understand you are fine with what things is and it's ok!
but things in this game always changing and improving constantly for the better! the fact that there is a 10x10 7 star free calendar is an amazing thing by itself!
so it's only logical for the calendars also to be like anything else in the game! updated!
Also CM should have been enough incentive to move up.
everything changes and technology and programming makes it easier to do whatever you want now so if something was complicated yesterday it's most probably will be easy to fix soon .... that was the point of the discussion!
not who's to blame and why is it like that and if you are okay with it or not! you grew custom to curtain system doesn't makes it okay all the time forever likes if it's a law!
everything changes for the better!
and i hope someday they fix and update the calendar to get reset with progression like anything else in the game.
so it's not about a simple title change in an alt account or who is right or wrong! get pass that trivial things we are talking here about change!
either you emprace it and know that your player base won't stay if you didn't change or update and make stuff constantly interesting! so are you with change! are you with things being better! or not?
The whole game of a calendar is to push players to progress so they can be rewarded. You failed.
Calendars don't change with progression, you end with the calendar you started.
Some things need changing, some don't and some are too complicated to change. Changing a calendar for every player every time they progress might sound easy; but I doubt it is
I don't think anyone is arguing that calendars shouldn't change, but most people understand the reality of why they don't (or at least haven't so far).
Many things IRL are on a pretty structured monthly cycle - bills, rent, etc. Some things are prorated, others are not, many should be.
We work within the confines of how things are, while working towards how things should be. This is the game we play.
If you've in fact been playing for 10 years, then for sure you would have been aware of this, and either 1) made TB earlier, or 2) realized you wouldn't make TB in time
At least you can enjoy the 7* on your Valiant account
also agree about that post really needs a popcorn 😂, good luck