UI recent changes

I play on iPhone.
During the change of screen, there is now a black screen. I don’t know the reason of this choice (save a bit of battery ?), but as an user that’s not fine. Each time I ask myself if my phone has a soucy.
Then, when getting rewards in the events, there is some moves of the panel with rewards. There again I don’t know the reason of this recent change (November update?) but it slows the user experience. So not fine too.
Would a rollback be possible, or an option to unable these transitions?
During the change of screen, there is now a black screen. I don’t know the reason of this choice (save a bit of battery ?), but as an user that’s not fine. Each time I ask myself if my phone has a soucy.
Then, when getting rewards in the events, there is some moves of the panel with rewards. There again I don’t know the reason of this recent change (November update?) but it slows the user experience. So not fine too.
Would a rollback be possible, or an option to unable these transitions?
in my case it happens the first time i go in to rank up a champion. it blacks out and my champion filters reset.....then it works without issues. happens again if i restart my device.
really annoying....