Didn’t Kabam Crash say Banquet would be a LOT cheaper????

Maybe I’m wrong, misremembering. Could’ve sworn Kabam Crashed said banquet would be quite a bit cheaper this year! If so? Blatant lie! Probably playing on rewards being better than last year(not increased enough for me). Cheaper compared to what?? Spending money in the u it store? Cheaper compared to what it cost to actually “buy” what is POSSIBLE (only possible NOT probable!!) from banquet crystals? Feel that’s what he was saying. Cost of banquet crystals versus buying in units store. Not the way he said it though! Feel like he was very hidden and misleading with that statement. We all knew it would cost more units. It costs more units every year. He said way less
Not only that but i feel like the grand banquet is gonna be overshadowed by necropolis again.. like last year, they said they wouldn't do it this year, but they are doing it. They want people to play the necropolis and spend units there instead of the banquet.
And look what happen 🤣
So much hyped was going into the event.