Manual Input for Purchasing and Opening Any Quantity of Crystals Design

I was wondering about a similar menu from this applied to purchasing or opening crystals where you can change the quantity manually:

So something like this:

The number under "GET NOW" would update on the quantity being purchased on the left. Clicking "GET NOW" would only purchase the quantity without opening any of them, even if there is a quantity greater than zero in the "OPEN" section. Clicking "OPEN" would open the quantity shown on its left but would only open owned crystals (meaning it cannot open more than what is already owned) and would not purchase any additional crystals if the quantity desired to open is more than owned crystals.
Clicking the checkbox in the "PURCHASE AND OPEN" section will allow you to have a higher quantity for "OPEN" than owned crystals, and its maximum would be the sum of owned crystals and the desired purchase quantity (clicking "OPEN" with a higher quantity than owned crystals after the checkbox is ticked still would not purchase any additional crystals and would not open any until the number is at or below the number of owned crystals). Clicking "PURCHASE AND OPEN" would purchase the quantity desired to purchase first and then open the quantity desired to open.
I'm assuming it's more practical to do this redesign for Shard Crystals. There can still be an "OPEN" button at the top if you want to go through the spinning crystal animation.
If some version of this design had been implemented during or before the Crystal Cleansing Event, it probably would have saved a combined total of loads of hours. I also submitted this as a request with the same title to Kabam in Feedback and Suggestions just in case.

So something like this:

The number under "GET NOW" would update on the quantity being purchased on the left. Clicking "GET NOW" would only purchase the quantity without opening any of them, even if there is a quantity greater than zero in the "OPEN" section. Clicking "OPEN" would open the quantity shown on its left but would only open owned crystals (meaning it cannot open more than what is already owned) and would not purchase any additional crystals if the quantity desired to open is more than owned crystals.
Clicking the checkbox in the "PURCHASE AND OPEN" section will allow you to have a higher quantity for "OPEN" than owned crystals, and its maximum would be the sum of owned crystals and the desired purchase quantity (clicking "OPEN" with a higher quantity than owned crystals after the checkbox is ticked still would not purchase any additional crystals and would not open any until the number is at or below the number of owned crystals). Clicking "PURCHASE AND OPEN" would purchase the quantity desired to purchase first and then open the quantity desired to open.
I'm assuming it's more practical to do this redesign for Shard Crystals. There can still be an "OPEN" button at the top if you want to go through the spinning crystal animation.
If some version of this design had been implemented during or before the Crystal Cleansing Event, it probably would have saved a combined total of loads of hours. I also submitted this as a request with the same title to Kabam in Feedback and Suggestions just in case.