Two 7R3 and Seven 7* Champion for everyone, just from basic milestones!

There are two 7R3 rank-up materials available for those who can complete the solo event milestones. This is without considering the rank rewards and crystal items.
Many Paragon and Thronebreaker players can progress to Valiant, and also can make significant boost to lower-progression title summoners.

Many Paragon and Thronebreaker players can progress to Valiant, and also can make significant boost to lower-progression title summoners.

Seems worth it if people can!
I could have sworn though in one of the charts released I'm pretty sure 11,700 gets us to the 2 t4a just after 2k awakening gem shards which is the last 2k needed for the full awakening gem, so I'm good enough with that.
15k units gives you a lot more in Banquet than Cyber 🎉
Two 7r3
Seven 7*
And 40-50 crystals to open that'll give relevant 7* stuff and rankup materials?
It's cool, idk why people are crying on rewards?
Have to appreciate Kabam where they did good job.
But Kabam still somehow managed to sneak 6* crystals 🤣🫱
To correct my post up above, I'll need just over 12k units to get the shard for the complete AG, plus the t4a. My bad.
11750 for the shards themselves, 12050 if I go for the 2 t4a as well.
I feel Banquet is better up to 15k, but beyond that Cyber was far superior. So unless I plan to go way beyond 15k, it's best to stop there
it just would cost 15k units
There’s the small matter of content that also needs to be cleared. Having seen the struggles of some, banquet, or any deals for that matter, won’t guarantee progression in terms of titles.