When are we expecting banquet compensation?

SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
These rewards are abysmal, kabam promised less filler but these catalysts are so outdated in terms of what an average valiant player is looking for. Is there gonna be any crystal update to better reflect rewards?

Either way, I am disappointed in the event we got.


  • SkreddySkreddy Member Posts: 45
    It seems entirely possible that they put the greater crystal prizes in the superior crystals, really shocking how bad the contents were. Saved for months and extremely disappointed. Was thinking of putting in $100 to get to the isophene level and after opening 40 and getting less than half of a 7* (!) there’s just no way.
  • Defender_dawn2Defender_dawn2 Member Posts: 150 ★★
    Opened atleast 15 sbc nothing just nothing
  • EaleoEaleo Member Posts: 18
    It’s not that they put in the GGC — it’s that the drop rates are just absolute trash for anything good.
  • MaroonmonsoonMaroonmonsoon Member Posts: 8
    They did not, 109 superior crystals opened. 109 lumps of coal
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