
Ganman356Ganman356 Member Posts: 57
These are
My new seven stars after the banquet are they good?


  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 458 ★★★
    Focus on Domino she's op
  • Kyptonick123Kyptonick123 Member Posts: 15
    We found who the banquet rewards were targeted towards 😂. Good pulls tho for your progression dominos my favorite.
  • Ganman356Ganman356 Member Posts: 57
    Yeah I’m pushing paragon right now should have done it sooner =p
  • ThosewhoknowThosewhoknow Member Posts: 4
    Domino, Gladiator and Shocker are great pulls! Iso isn't horrible but easily replaceable. Focus on Domino and Gladiator first, then shocker, then if you haven't got another mystic by the time you rank the last three up. I still wouldn't recommend ranking iso up unless you really enjoy her playstyle.
  • Ganman356Ganman356 Member Posts: 57
    Out of all the seven stars that I have who should I take to rank 2?(that’s all I have the resources for right now) cause I was thinking Titania
  • ThosewhoknowThosewhoknow Member Posts: 4
    Ganman356 said:

    Out of all the seven stars that I have who should I take to rank 2?(that’s all I have the resources for right now) cause I was thinking Titania

    I would have honestly went for gladiator out of the bunch. But if I were in the perspective of you, I'd go Titania as well.
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