Glorious Games 7* Sig Stones

Of all the milestone prizes I’m most confused by the placement of the 7* Sig Stones that can only be used on the new Glorious Games champs.
By design from the event nobody can awaken either of the 6 from 3 keys in the milestones (solo, alliance, and realm), and with the Banquet key having a 0.3% chance from the SBC’s the chances of getting lucky at least 4 more times to be able to awaken 1 of the 6 is VERY unlikely unless you’re a Mega Whale. And for those Mega Whales they likely already have several 7* awakening gems to awaken any of them anyways.
With the low chance of people having an awakened 7* Glorious Guardian what was the point of including so many sig stones exclusively for them in rewards? It would have been way better if they were at MIN. class 7* sig stone crystals (not even generics).

By design from the event nobody can awaken either of the 6 from 3 keys in the milestones (solo, alliance, and realm), and with the Banquet key having a 0.3% chance from the SBC’s the chances of getting lucky at least 4 more times to be able to awaken 1 of the 6 is VERY unlikely unless you’re a Mega Whale. And for those Mega Whales they likely already have several 7* awakening gems to awaken any of them anyways.
With the low chance of people having an awakened 7* Glorious Guardian what was the point of including so many sig stones exclusively for them in rewards? It would have been way better if they were at MIN. class 7* sig stone crystals (not even generics).

And yes, there is the awakening gem further in the realm event. I won’t hit that milestone. I’m sure plenty others won’t either. For all of us, the sig stones are useless. Regardless of the gem being “higher value” or whatever, I don’t really feel like you can justify not putting it before the sig stones in the rewards structure for that reason.
With that little explanation out of the way, I agree with you. When you're not sure if you'll reach the AG as a f2p player, it feels a bit odd to have quite a lot of sig stones (I currently have 55) that you can only use on...well, no one. And probably not for a long time, considering that last year's "Banquet-exclusive" 7* champs were only just now added to the basic pool. I can understand that Kabam probably didn't want to add an AG too early among the rewards, but I would have personally preferred if they'd moved up the sig stones a bit and moved down some of the other rewards. I don't think the reward structure would have been broken if the 1-2 gem and a stack of those special sig stones switched places, for example.