Maybe it’s just time to end livestreams

Counter to driving everyone to them with promo codes and twitch livestream giveaways…. Just end them. A large percentage of the issues with this event is the inability to communicate realistic expectations in these streams. Just let events speak for themselves.
Limit other communications to clarification of objectives in content and start dates of events. That’s it, we don’t need QVC infomercials that creates excitement for a product that is subpar.
Limit other communications to clarification of objectives in content and start dates of events. That’s it, we don’t need QVC infomercials that creates excitement for a product that is subpar.
I completely agree. Individually, they are good at what they do. In regards to the last stream, I got a feeling they knew something was off & they overcompensated to not give it away. Except for that marvel hype guy. I'd rather eat a light bulb than see that guy again
Also keep in mind that Kabam tried to "just let the event speak for itself" by not releasing any info about it until the community kicked up enough of a fuss about it that they released the info just a few days before the event started. I think that was a bad move on their part, but asking for more of that non-communication will not solve any problems.
Plus, I like the livestreams in general.
Having a dedicated livestream is something that absolutely should be happening. If anything, it should happen more often.
I am totally serious -- YouTubers/Content Creators do a great job of filling in so much information.
But what would really help this game and community is for Kabam to slow down and realize the value of producing 20-30 minutes daily of highly focused information on YouTube.
People truly want to know what's going on. How the events and side quests ACTUALLY WORK. How to play characters properly. How nodes are supposed to interact. Why buffs happen or don't happen.
People want to know that stuff and more.
But it's like so few people understand how massive this game is, how complicated it can feel, that we're just left to figure it out and hope that someone on YouTube drops a video that helps you, when the reality should be that Kabam carves out time for their community managers to do 20-30 minutes on YouTube each day to explain this freaking game better
That's exactly what I am talking about -- that's where players need Kabam to take a deep breath and have an actual person talk to the players, not show a DPS loop but actually go over the buff and how it's supposed to work -- so people can get excited.
This game has SO MANY CHARACTERS. So many things to do and keep in mind.
It would be really nice to have a focused -- not jokes, not playing around, FOCUSED -- place to go to where someone from the Community Management side of the house explains how it all is supposed to work together
Dave gets hounded by trolls every stream and the expectancy levels are atrocious. Not to mention the racist/sexist comments in the chat and chat bot spammers.
DLL has about 4800 subscribers to his YT channel.
Marvel Contest of Champions has...386,000.
Fold DLL's content into the MCoC channel. Tell people those 386,000 subscribers who he is -- because clearly, not enough people are seeing what he is doing or know who he is enough to track his releases.
This game should communicate MORE. More often. More clearly.
There's so many good things -- does a 1:30 second BPCW buff video on the MCoC channel accomplish a goal? Sure. It explains it.
It's not wrong.
But does it do enough to get people excited?
But I was just messing around the other day and randomly saw a suggestion for Nagase's BPCW video that he posted recently, and my gosh. MIND BLOWN
The answer for this game shouldn't ALWAYS be "follow random Content Creators on YouTube in order to get excited," or "hope the algorithm points me in the direction of something good"
I have said it before: I am an old, old gamer. Played these things since forever ago.
MCoC...there are days when I sit here and shake my head and think that it is just crazy HOW MUCH IS ACTUALLY IN THIS GAME.
If you want to just swipe and tap, you can absolutely do that. Grind some Arena, grab some units, open a crystal here and there.
But if you want to do more than that and start getting into it?
The amount of information you need to consume in order to GIT GUD is just off the charts.
IF IF IF this game hits PC properly, it could EASILY last another 10 years -- but it is going to need some help from Kabam to assist people in understanding how much depth and how great this game is, once you do get into it